Chapter 17

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"I'm sorry, Cop. I didn't mean a word I said yesterday. I was so stressed. You know how I am, even though I had a fever back then, I'm still able to go to the field, helping dad. But now when you had to do everything, I felt useless, hopeless and I hate myself so much for that."

It was early morning, too early actually, it was almost 4 am when Copter was waking up and he went straight to the bathroom. He slept the entire evening and the entire night with an empty stomach, worried Godt so much that the guy couldn't sleep a wink. He was waiting for Copter and checking his condition the whole night, afraid Copter would fall sick.

After Copter coming out from the bathroom, Godt couldn't hold it in anymore. He couldn't bear the feelings of his brother getting angry at him for long. Copter was coming over to Godt, taking a seat beside him at the bedside.

"That's why I wanted to pamper you for some more, P'Godt, at least until you fully heal. You've been working your whole life for me. You even gave up your desire to go to school because of me. Do you think I didn't know how much you dreamt of going to school? But you gave up your dream just like that, all for me. I wasn't mad at you. How could I? I was just clueless of what to do, what's right, and what's wrong. I've been trying so hard but nothing seems to do right."

"No, Cop. What you have done until now was so amazing. I might even feel useless because I felt like you don't need me anymore." Copter was putting his finger on his brother's mouth. "Stop your nonsense. I will forever need you in my life, so don't try to think you could get away from me. You are my brother and the only family I had. Well, I'm hungry, I'm going to cook something for us. Bas had thought me how to use that electric rice cooker when we were looking around at the mall yesterday. I've seen one as we had in the room, so I asked him right away. Do you want to watch me using it?"


"For this week I want you to start your job in the kitchen. Today was your first day, so I ask you to come on 8. But starting tomorrow, you will start at 5.30 am and will help open the coffee house for breakfast at 6. You will have breakfast first before opening and you will have an hour lunch break in the middle of your shift depending on your turn. Your shift will end up at 4 pm every day."

"Then?" Kimmon was frowning with Copter's question. "Then you could go upstairs and rest. And you could even go have a walk around, Copter. That's will be your work hour from now on." But then Copter was still looking at Kimmon, making him confused. "Please make me work at night too P'Kim. I want to work and learn a lot of things. And besides, walking around wasn't really good for me. I still have my trauma."

Copter's tone was a bit low towards the end of his words making Kimmon sigh. Bas even told him about what happened at the restaurant. "I know you were eagerly Copter, but working for long hours a day wasn't good for your health."

"Please, P. I'm used to it. And besides, I will have enough rest before starting again at night." Kimmon was sighing again while thinking. Well, Copter was still young and strong. It wouldn't hurt just a couple of hours to work more. "Okay, I'll give an extra 3 hours more, but it will be count as overtime, not a shift. You will come back later at 8.30 pm and I will tell you what to do then. Are we clear?"

Copter was nodding his head eagerly at that. He was then been introduced to the morning shift staff and start his job after a brief explanation from the head chef of what he needs to do and mostly washing the dishes beside a few other things he could help.

Copter was serious when he said he wanted to learn when he didn't let go of any chance he got to watch the chef prepared for the breakfast menu. Sometime he would ask a few things, but not much, even though he wanted to, afraid he will annoy the chef with his bombarding stupidly kind of question.

At his lunch hour break, he would then go upstairs having lunch with Godt, spending the time with his brother, while helping him clean the wounds. It was recovered well since Godt was good at it. He was the one who treated Tae's wound back then and Copter would just making sure he would do what Godt was asking him to.

Once his shift was over, he heads upstairs cooking for dinner, showering himself and rest while talking and telling Godt his first experience of starting a formal job. Godt was hearing everything his brother was telling him with an endearing smile.

When he came down at night, just like he promised, Kimmon had him learn how to take orders and the cleaning table at the front. The coffee house quite full when he got down and it get slower an hour after that. Kimmon then tells him the routine before closing the coffee house. He'll learn the routine of opening tomorrow morning. Since he will work both morning and night, and plus, he was living here, Kimmon would want it to be his permanent task, opening and closing the shop, which Copter was eagerly accepted.


The routine work for Copter had gone well for almost a week now. Godt's wounded leg had been recovered fully and he could walk without a crutch anymore. However, the permanent injury on his leg makes him limping his way whenever he walked, which frustrated him a little. But still, he was thankful he could walk again, and he had promised himself to be strong and support his brother.

His cute and sweet brother. He knew Copter was trying to makes himself busy as much as he can so he could be tired even to think. He knew Copter was trying to show to him that he was okay, but his brother couldn't fool him.

Every single night he has cried himself to sleep, silently. Whenever he wakes up in the middle of the night, he could see dried tears on Copter's side face that he wished he could do something so that he could take his brother out of his misery. That guy had been his first love and his feeling was deep even without him realizing.

He wanted to kill the guy if he ever saw him again. How dare he hurt his brother like this? Showered him with love then discard him just like he was a used cloth. He should know better than to give his permission to a former bully dating his brother. If he knew Tae would leave his brother hanging like this, he would have hit and kick the guy to the pulp back then. Now he has regretted it for being so soft-hearted.

End of Chapter 17

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