Chapter 19

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Copter wasn't the same anymore, and it's been three months after Godt's disappearance. All he did was work and work. He rarely talks if it wasn't to the customer. He ate a little and rarely sleeps. He was getting skinnier that Kimmon was afraid he would fainting one day, but the guy was a very hard one to convince. Every day after his shift, he would roam around the city, trying to locate his brother, but to no avail. It was already three months, and Copter wasn't receiving any news from his brother.

Kimmon and Bas tried to help in every way possible, but they were clueless too. They were really afraid that Copter's condition will get worse if they didn't do anything. "Cop, let's go to the beach tomorrow. You need a breather, and I'm pretty sure you've never been to the beach, right. You'll love it there." Bas was coming beside Copter who had the task of permanently a barista, when Kimmon realized he had the talent of making good coffee and his art was very lovely too. People came because of his coffee and the art he made for his customer.

Even with such achievements, Copter couldn't be as happy as he thought he could be. Copter was turning to Bas briefly while preparing the coffee ordered by his customer and was calling for them to pick it up at the counter. Only then he turned to Bas completely with his straight lips smile he could ever give right now. No sweeter smile anymore.

"You were right, I've never been to the beach. But still, I'll have to say no. I'd rather use my free time looking for my brother than having the seemingly fun which last for that short moment, which I doubt I could ever hardly had fun, even if I decided to go."

Right after that, a customer was approaching the counter, which Copter was fast attended to him. "Mr. Joss?" hearing the name, Bas was fast turning to the guy and coming closer. "P'Joss, nice to meet you again." Joss was stunned looking straight to the face that was lingering in his mind for some time already now.

He was actually looking for that guy, hoping he would come again to the mall, but to no avail. He was regretted not asking about their contact number that day.

Back to that day, Joss has still remembered clearly everything that happened that day. He was sitting at a drink stall, after taking his time walking around the mall, for his usual breather, while getting to know what happened around.

Watching for the big crowd in front of the stage, he was actually thinking about getting another popular artist to come to his mall. When he kept watching the crowd and was about to get up leaving, there he was seeing the two sweet and cute teenage boys getting into the middle of the crowd.

The other one was clearly enjoying the show, but it was different from the other boy. But then when the boy was suddenly smiling showing his deep sweet dimple, he was in awe. Almost spill the drinks on himself, but luckily he recovered himself fast. But then, he couldn't take his eyes off the boy.

He saw everything that happened before that stupid woman had come and suddenly slapping Copter's sweet cheeks making his cheeks red instantly considering how white his skin is, making him almost running to them. But his rationality was still intact and he had called his assistant right away and had asked him to take the CCTV recording to him before he was slowly approaching the scene, keeping his cool, even though his inside were already red in anger.

After that, he wanted to know about the boy more and that he didn't want them to just leave like that, so he was trying to think hard for an excuse so he could have lunch together with them. And how desperate was he look that day, but he didn't care as long as he could have known about the boy even more.

He wasn't trying to show off, rather, he was trying to give the best for the guy. He took him to a luxurious restaurant with the best steak in town. When the boy was refused to eat, he wants him to have a taste of the best steak he loves to have, oblivious of what happened around him, since all he could see was at that time just the boy himself. But it ends up it was the worse decision ever when suddenly the boy would just leave after his cute friend was lashing out on a waitress?

He was dumbfounded when he was left alone in that private room not really understand what's happening. All he could see was a waitress with a cunning smile in front of him, making him called the manager of the restaurant with the CCTV footage of the room he was in right now.

It wasn't that clear since the camera was at a high position, but when he was zooming in, he could clearly saw how this woman was rudely sneering at Copter the whole time, and how stupid he was for being oblivious the whole time.

He made sure later that the woman been fired since for him, no customer had to be treated the way she did to Copter. He felt guilty too and was trying to find Copter everywhere, but he couldn't find him. Copter didn't even come to his mall anymore since he makes his staff alert for him since that day.

"Mr. Joss? Anything to order?" Copter's voice was taking him out of his reverie, taking him drowning in the brown orbs in front of him. "Copter was good with coffee and his art was stunning. You should try it, P." Joss was turning to Bas hearing him talking. That boy was smiling sweetly to him, making him smile too.

"Hmm..... I ju.." Joss was about to say something but he was cut off by another voice. "Joss?" all three of them was turning to the voice. "P'Kim, you know P'Joss?" Bas was faster voicing out his curiosity. "He is my friend. You both know him?" Kimmon was answering and was asking them back the same question.

"The restaurant." Bas was pointing to Joss while saying that making Kimmon scowl and Joss was just giving out his guiltily smile. Bas was smirking while Copter was keeping his straight face. Kimmon then would give Joss signal to follow him before telling Copter to prepare his usual coffee and make it the same for Joss which Copter would just nod to it.

"It takes you months just to step in my coffee house that was less than 1km far from your mall. Did you get my message?" Kimmon start talking right away once they were settled at their seat at the corner of the shop. It was rarely occupied by the customer because of its hidden space even though it was beside the window. Kimmon loves this spot by the way.

"Sorry, I get stuck with a new project of opening a new branch. You know and the problem with my cousin and all. I manage at least to keep the mall for myself." Joss was leaning to his seat while looking straight at Kimmon. "Which message are you talking about?"

"About Youngest." Joss was sighing. "Wasn't it usual?" Joss was asking him back. "I don't think so. It was different this time." Joss was frowning. "How so?" Kimmon was sitting up straight from his leaning on position and was putting both of his hands on the table so that he was closer to Joss.

"His last message was different. He said he was happy and was going to leave his family. He didn't want to stick inside the illusion family he ever had and he had chosen his life and family." It was Joss's turn to scowl.

"What, did he impregnated some woman?"

The end of Chapter 19

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