Chapter 26

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Copter had opened his eyes and he felt fresh and energized than ever before. He sat up stretching his arm above his head. He wonders how long had he slept and he didn't even remember how he got home from the hospital. He had the best dreams ever. The dreams of meeting his brother back. His P'Godt had appeared before him and that makes him smile alone sitting on the bed.

"Are you wake up now, sleepyhead?" the familiar voice had shocked him and he was stunned looking at the tall figure standing in front of the bed with a towel on his hands, looks like he was coming out from the bathroom.

"P'Godt? Is that really you?" Copter was standing fast coming to his brother but then stopped right in front of him. He was moving his hand slowly to touch him, afraid he would have another hallucination again, as usual.

Once he felt his touch was real, he punches Godt's shoulder quite hard making him turn aside and hiss. "Ouchhh..." Copter was biting his lower lips while staring at his brother's face. "Why? Don't you know how much I worried about you? What if you never come back? What if something happened to you and I would never know about it? So many what if, and I was scared to death every day thinking about you. Why?! Why?!"

After one big punch, Copter had punched him again but his punch got weaker and weaker, and at last, he would hug Godt tightly, letting go of his deep misery out. Godt would hug him back rubbing his back up and down trying to soothe him and calm him down.


"That's all that happened to me. And I wanted to show you this first, but since I need Kimmon's help to go back to the house, he had seen this. But still, here, watch this." Shocking was an understatement, but indeed he was happy to see his brother can walk normally again, and the limping was just a show to everyone else before Godt could show this to his brother.

Once Copter had calm down from his crying, Godt was telling him every detail of what happened to him from the moment he left this place on that day. He had taken leave for three days and a day had been waste out with Copter sleeping the whole day and that he wakes up almost at noon today.

But still, Godt could understand why he did that. Copter was someone who couldn't let out of his problems from his mind, no matter what he did to do that. He was sure, even up till now, Tae was still disturbing his sleep up till now, and he was added to it, making sleep was harder for his younger baby brother.

But he promised himself now, he will never leave his brother again, not without any news. He still needs to work at the house. "Can you bring me to that house? I want to see that family and especially that elderly who had helped you so much. I want to thank them. Officially."

Godt was smiling at the request of his brother. "Of course I will. They were dying to see you too. I'm not sure if they will be home tomorrow, but if they were, you could also meet the boy, Plum. He was cute, and I'm sure you both will like each other."

"Let see about that. You were naturally a children magnet, I was the opposite." Copter was pouty at that, making Godt laughing at it. Well, that was true in a way. Copter just didn't know how to treat children, that's why it makes him difficult to get close to them, even though he was still a kid himself (according to Godt).

"Anyway, the main reason I ask Kimmon help to go back to the house was this." Godt was taking out a box from his backpack and handing it to Copter. Curiously, Copter taking it and opened it, and he was really excited to see a phone in it.

"I bought it using my first pay. It was the same model as me, and Prem helps me to choose it. He teaches me how to use it too with all the features it can offer. I had to keep working there and I want to keep in touch with you, so I got us this phone. I hope you will like it." Godt was telling Copter while Copter trying to turn the phone on and Godt just let him explore by himself.

"Like? I love it P'Godt. And I'm really happy for you and that I'm happier you came back. Thank you, P'Godt." Godt was smiling at that. "There's no way I forgot about you. I love you all the same if not more than you love me. Remember that, okay?" Godt would be raking Copter's hair while telling him his plan for today. He had planned to go out and go around the city, something he should have done long before, but it wasn't too late to start now.

Instead of just going around the city, they ended up at the amusement park with Kimmon and Bas, when they were telling Kimmon about their plan. And unexpectedly, there were also Joss joining them, when he called Kimmon to mention the date of a party at his house, and the father of their friend was invited and already accepted the invitation, Kimmon had mentioned about bringing Copter to the amusement park and that would his first time going there, Joss more than eager to join them.

They left the business of the coffee house to Sunan to take over and they left with Kimmon's car and when they arrived there, Joss was already waiting. Arriving there, only then Godt was introduced to Joss and somehow, he didn't like the way Joss was smiling and looking at his brother. But he has pushed aside that thinking, for now. It was actually water and amusement park and Kimmon, Bas and Joss already brought their swimming trunk with a shirt so that their skin wouldn't expose much to the sun.

For Copter and Godt, Kimmon had bought their swimming trunk at the shops in the amusement park area telling them it was his treat since he was the one who brought them here, which Godt was reluctantly accepted. In the changing room, Kimmon was once again captivated watching shirtless Godt and when the guy was getting out from the room, he would pull him back inside, making Godt scowling.

"What's the problem?" Kimmon was swallowing his saliva and took his shirt, his extra shirt, and giving it to Godt. "Wear this." Godt was frowning. "Why? We are going to get wet anyway. I don't mind getting tanned skin, and besides, I always swimming shirtless at the river back at the village."

"No, I don't care. There were so many people outside and I don't want them saw your......I mean, it will be inappropriate for you to be shirtless. Just put it on, hurry, everyone was waiting outside." Godt was frowning but put it on anyway. Kimmon left him first while smiling. There's no way would he let them see Godt's.........huh whatever, he will not let anyone see Godt's body. 'It's mine, I'll make sure he's mine.'

Kimmon then realizes how possessive he was on Godt and he knew he couldn't stop his feelings anymore. It was already there and was growing deeper and deeper without him realizing it. Gay or not, he doesn't care that much anymore.

No one was shirtless in the end, even though at the beginning, Joss wanted to show his abs to Copter, trying to get his attention, but somehow he felt inappropriate when everyone was wearing a shirt, so he did too.

For every activity they were doing, Joss was trying countless times to get near to Copter, and every time, Godt would intervene, and every time that happened, Bas would come to him, so that he wouldn't lose face. Joss was trying so hard, Kimmon could see that, and Copter was just shaking his head, for he knows the guy was oblivious to his own feelings anyway.

It was almost dinner time and they all were very tired of playing and was taking a shower before changing and getting out of the amusement park area. Joss had recommended a restaurant for dinner and that it was his treat. Since they were coming with two cars, he was trying to ask Copter to get in the same car with him.

End of Chapter 26

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