Chapter 48: You don't look happy

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Laila POV

After I got inside my apartment, I was so tired that I went straight to bed. My phone rings a few minutes after my head touched my pillow. I was not planning on answering but whoever that caller was insisted on pestering me.

"Hello?" I answered without checking the caller ID.

"Laila?" hearing Brian's voice made me sit up. "I already got what you need."

"Really?" hearing him I suddenly sit up, my sleepiness was gone already.

"Yeah! I can give it to you now." he offered. I glanced at the clock and saw it was already pretty late and right now all I want to do is to get some rest.

"We can just meet tomorrow morning if you like," I suggested. We are not that close for me to impose so much on myself. at the end of the day, he is still Jeremy's friend and not mine.

"Okay, but I have an important meeting tomorrow morning, how about I call you after. In the meanwhile, I'll have someone to look at it already."


Brian hung up. Since I'm already wide awake because of the phone call, might as well clean myself up. It took half an hour to finish my shower and night routine. I'm only in my pyjamas when I checked my phone and saw a couple of messages from Collins telling me to unblock his boss or else he will continue to pester him. After sending a thinking emoji I decide to grab a snack. When I got into the kitchen I started to feel anxious. There's a bowl of noodles and a drink on the table. 

I took out my phone and called Clarisse, the only person I can think of that can enter my house and cook, and left it. Her phone was out of reach so I decided to just send her a message hoping she'll be able to see it soon as possible.

'Have you been into my house lately? you even forgot the food you cooked.'

I hit send and went closer to the table, only then did I notice a note left. There was nothing else written aside from my name. 'So it must be for me.' I thought. The noodles looked appetizing and my mouth starts to water.  Without thinking I ate the noodles. As I eat I browse my phone checking emails. I only had a few bites when I suddenly feel drowsy. My vision's getting blurry and I feel like I needed a night of sleep so badly.  

I have no idea what happened to me next, the next thing I knew is that Clarisse's slapping my face and calling my name.

"Laila! Laila!" she kept calling.

I'm still drowsy that I can only make a simple, "Mmmm"

"What happened to you?" she asked me half--annoyed and half-worried. 

I wiped my eyes trying to shake the drowsy feeling away. "I called you."

"Yeah, I was on a plane so my phone's off. As soon as I saw your missed calls I went here immediately. Are you okay?" she helped me get up from the floor.

I try to assess what just happened to me. I'm still confused and my head feels like I've drunk myself out of my wits.

"Did you seriously fall asleep while eating? What have you been doing lately?" She continues to bombard me with questions. 

"I don't know. I think I need to rest more. My head hurts" I told her.

She then looked at me worriedly, "Okay, I'll sleep here for tonight in case you need my help. But I need answers tomorrow as to why you kept calling me. You don't do that unless necessary."

"Maybe after a sleep, I'll remember why  I called."

Clarisse helped me back to my bed and soon I fell asleep again. When the morning comes, Clarisse had an urgent call from her studio that she left already. I got ready and went to the office. My mind is still hazy that I almost forgot what happened last night.

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