Chapter 38: If Laila had also been jealous before

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Jeremy POV

The director's assistant had told me to follow her for my interview. Laila will be going to a separate place for her interview. Once I got there, I was seated on a chair with a camera pointed at me.

The director is behind the camera with the cameraman, "Alright Mr Malarkey, we're just going to ask you a few questions. Just answer the first thing that comes into your mind."

"Okay," I said.

"Alright, first we want to know what makes you decide to join in our program?" he started.

"Well, let's just say I used this as an excuse to get out of the office and spend time with Laila," I said.

"Now, we know that you got jealous earlier. We want to know if Laila had also been jealous before? What was she like when she is jealous?" he continued asking.

I open my mouth to speak but then shut it. Nothing came to my mind. Now that I think about it, I've never seen her get jealous. I racked my brain trying to think back but I can't remember anything that she got mad because of another woman.

"Mr Malarkey," the director brought me out of my trance.

"Sorry, I just," I started, how can I say this to them. " I actually had never seen her get jealous."

This got his interest, "Really?"

I nodded in agreement," I never did gave her any reason to be jealous either."

"Would you want to see what she is like if she's jealous?" he tempted me.

I thought for a second. Back then I never wanted her to feel inferior to others. We were always together and from the moment we become a couple no other woman had come close in contact with me. I'm always honest with Laila about where I am or what I do.

Then why did she leave? A devil's voice whispered in my head.

"I doubt that she'll react if another woman tried flirting with me," I told him.

"Actually, it is well known that Laila wrote her own experiences in her books. We happen to find something interesting that you may know," he handed me the book. I took it and then opened the page where the bookmarked it.

"In that particular chapter, the female protagonist was waiting for her lover who she found out was with another woman. She detailed that the guy would always bring her ice cream because he knows it would make her less aggressive. So when he came back she knows that he had already done something," the director briefed me on.

I read the page, odd that it all seems familiar. Then it hits me. Back then, I had a big project to deal with. I promised I would be back for a special occasion I can't remember what but I remember I broke my promise. Laila was waiting and I bought her favourite ice cream then. She didn't get mad so that had become my habit every time I broke my promise.

Was I that big of a jerk back then? After entering the company I always seem to break my promises to her. Is this what Clarisse had told me? That I made Laila wait all the time. But she never had once complained about it.

"So we got a mission for you, you have to get even a slight reaction from Laila if a woman tried flirting with you" he tasked me. As if that was simple.

The Laila I know today will never raise an eyebrow if a female specie flirted with me.

"How you suggest we do that?" I got curious about what he had in mind.

"We'll have one of the staff act with you. We'll do it while you're doing the grocery shopping for your food. Then you'll go out from time to time and see if Laila will notice you doing something." he explained to me.

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