Chapter 43: Persistence and being shameless really paid off

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Laila POV

After three days of non-stop work, I finally got a break. No book signing, no interviews, and no photoshoot. Just a calm day where I can stay in bed and do nothing. That was the plan but it all ended the moment Clarisse showed up.

It so happened she's also at the same place I am for her fashion show. Knowing I'm holed up in the hotel, she dragged me out and go shopping. It was around lunchtime when we meet up so after dining in one of the restaurants, she began her quest.

"Aren't you gonna buy something?" she asked after we go on to our fifth store.

I just aimlessly looked around, "No"

"You sure? Even a gift or something?" she urged on.

I rolled my eyes at her, and just then my phone lit up.

'Mr. Malarkey's working overtime again' Collins sent a message.

After the last incident, Collins and Mars would send me messages regarding their boss that I got fed up with and just created a group message with them so I don't have to get confused with many repeated updates about Jer. I had already told them that they don't need to send me every move Jer made and just message me if it's important or an emergency.

'He had been staying at the office' he continued when I didn't reply.

'Let me see what I can do' I wrote back. I was tapping on my phone angrily when Clarisse thought I'd gone mad.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah," I mumbled as I typed a message.

'Go home'

Within a minute I got a reply. 'Okay'

What's the point of needing me to tell him when he'll do it anyway. He's being a brat and a pain to his assistants.

We continue to walk around. I manage to buy a few things I liked with Clarisse's persistent nagging. We pass by a shop that sells stationery and bought a customized pen for Collins since he's the person that pops into my head when I saw it. I also bought some cosmetics to give to Tina and Mars and a couple of thongs for the others as well.

Clarisse eyed the items in my bag, "You bought gifts for a few people but you are forgetting someone."


She gave me a duh look "Your boyfriend"

I was dumbfounded, "He already had so much. What else should I give him"

"He had upgraded your flight ticket and hotel room into a suite. Always send you flowers. Arranged a car and driver to help you go around places, doesn't he deserves a reward for helping you on this trip?" she said matter of factly.

I remembered that night before I left, he had nagged me on so many things like staying away from guys, not drinking with any guys, making sure that a guy is at arm's length and so on basically, he wants me to have no interaction with any guys. He even sent me to the airport himself. I hadn't known he upgraded everything until Collins messaged me.

"I don't know what to give," I said honestly.

She seems to be thinking of something, "He'll like whatever you got him. But knowing him, he'll like flaunt it so it is better you give something that won't embarrass you."

She then giggled and looked at me with a Cheshire smile, "Well there's one thing that will make him happy if you give it to him."

I don't like the way she is smiling. I have a bad feeling though I still ask, "What?"

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