Chapter 42: You won't be able to touch me again by tomorrow

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Laila POV

"I'll get things done within the week and send it to you," I assured Tina over the phone.

She had been going on and on about things I need and have to do for over an hour now. I turn around to see Jer looking at me, Collins was also there which I hadn't noticed he'd come in. Seeing that Jer might be busy, raising an eyebrow I said, "If you're busy I can see my way out."

"What are you talking about?" Tina asked.

Jer then ordered me to stay. Forgetting I'm still in line with Tina who had heard everything. After he left Tina then bombarded me with questions.

"Was that Jeremy? Are you together right now?"

"I'm at his office," I didn't even bother to lie.

"Why do I even bother? You two are going out and both adults so do whatever but please look after yourself well," she nags at me.

I just said yes and okay to all she said because if I argue she'll drag on.

"I'll email you later your flight details. Make sure you tell your hubby you'll be gone or else he'll go crazy." She hung up after saying those words.

Just then Collins entered the room with a few people holding bags. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Ms Condes, Mr Malarkey ordered us to deliver these snacks to you," he told me.

My mouth hangs open seeing there's a lot of it. "Does he thinks I'm a pig?"

He was taken aback by my words, "Ms Condes-"

"Laila, just call me that. Anyway, I can't possibly finish this all" I told him.

"Mr Malarkey prepared this for you."

"He ordered you to get foods but you're the one who went the trouble picking these foods right." his silence confirmed my suspicion. Of course, Jer would never do that trouble. "How about this, I get what I like and give the rest to others out there who like it."

He nodded at my decision. I took out the food I like and gave back the rest. He left along with the others, the room was silent again. It took me a couple of bites before I lose my appetite. It's no fun eating alone in the office.

I'm sure Jer had someone watch outside so that I wouldn't leave this place. I walked towards the door and opened it and saw there was actually someone watching.

"Mr Malarkey said you can't leave."

Groaning, I went back and continue to work while eating. It'll be a waste of food and money if I didn't finish it. I felt hot a little so I took off my coat and just wore a white loose shirt and a high wasted shorts. I hadn't thought carefully of my clothes before coming here. Maybe it was the silence or the gloomy atmosphere but at some point, I feel myself getting sleepy. I tried to fight back but I had no idea I had dozed off soon.

It wasn't until I feel someone beside me that I woke up.

"What time is it?"

"Already past six. Sorry, I thought the meeting will be done earlier." Jer apologize.

I waved my hands telling him it was okay, "Now you are here, can I go now?"

"Let me drive you back." he offered.

"Fine" I quickly gather my things. I send a copy of what I've done to my email before giving the laptop back.

Jer was talking with Collins, I picked up my coat not bothering to put it on. I followed Jer and Collins out of the office. There were still few employees and they all looked at us as we pass by. I was still in a daze and didn't notice that Jer had stopped walking, I bumped into his hard chest. He's a bit taller than me so I looked up to meet his eyes. He is looking at me intently, his eyes narrowed.


It's obvious he was trying so hard to calm his anger down. The redness on his ears gave way and I've known that's always a sign that I somehow cause that rage of his.

Instead of answering he took my coat and put it on me forcefully. He lifted my arms almost dislocating them.

"Hey hey my arms hurt" I complained, after making sure I had my coat back on he took my hand and held me close to him, dragging me towards the elevator.

Collins was just behind us. I can hear him stifle a burst of laughter. Ignoring what he did I took out my phone to read an email sent to me by Tina. Jer was still holding my hand and maybe because it was out of hold habit but as we wait inside to get down, my arms just wrapped around his intimately. I didn't even notice it. It's just like what it was in the old times when I'm madly in love with him. Everything just felt right at that moment being at his side.

My head leaning on his side, me holding on to him and him supporting me. We didn't even see the look Collins was giving us nor when he took a shot of us and send it to a group chat of the employees. Nothing matters but me and Jer close to each other.

As we near the parking ground I suddenly saw my reflection and it was then that it dawned on me,

"I looked like this and you didn't even tell me?" Confused by my sudden outburst, Jer raised an eyebrow. "I don't have any makeup on"

He stifles a laugh before pinching my cheeks, "You look fine."

But I was not convinced, "I'm not. I went and barged in because I was frustrated that I forgot to fix myself."

"There's no difference if you wear make-up or not. You still look beautiful" he said calmly.

We got to the parking ground. I thought Collins also had his car parked but I was surprised when he walks ahead of us and opened the backseat door. Jer shoved me in before getting in himself and Collins on the driver's seat.

"You'll drive?" I asked him.

"Yes." he simply answered with a sheepish grin.

I then turn to look at Jer as Collins started the engine, "You do know how to work your people into slavery."

I giggled and was expecting him to rebuke but he didn't. So I continue to make conversation with Collins as he was easy to talk to.

"So Mars and you are always at his beck of call. Must be tough work"

"Not that hard" I can tell he's being cautious because Jer is with us.

"I was surprised, I'm used to seeing Mars all the time I thought she's the only assistant."

"Oh, there's a few more but we always have different work assignments so you'll rarely see us. Mars out somewhere and I'm stuck here."

"Uh-huh, Mars must be happy now because she didn't suffer from the demon's rage today, and ow ow ow-" I felt my hand being crushed. I tried to pull away from Jer's grip.

"Honey what were you saying?" he said in such a sweet tone but it was obvious that venom is dripping out of it.

"Let go of me" I snapped.

He didn't let go but instead pulled me closer to him.

"Fine, I'll let you do this just this time. You won't be able to touch me again by tomorrow anyway" I blurted out.

He loosened his hold on me, "What do you mean?"

Instead of answering him, I turn back to Collins, "Hey Collins if he ever had anger issues again just call me so that I'll know and never come back here again."

Both he and Jer were rendered speechless.

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