Chapter 36: You two synchronize well

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Laila POV

Fern's comment last night lingers on my brain. Am I not really doing a great job acting as Jer's girlfriend?

"Laila are you okay?" Mia asks as she hands me a coffee.

I looked at her seriously, "Am I not acting as if I'm inlove with him?"

I blurted out. Mia gave me a confused look as she backs away from me as if I have a virus. "Did the two of you fight?"

"No, it's just that I heard some things-" I trailed off.

"About how it doesn't seem like you two are in a relationship," she said. She moves closer back to me and pats my back in comfort. "If I didn't witness what happen in Taiwan I might believe those."

"So those talks were true. How did I not know this?" I questioned.

"It's been going on since we left for the tour. People have been posting online but Tina made sure you won't know about it because of what just happened then," she confessed.

"And that is why you are here today," Tina joined us. She holding a brown envelope. She took a seat on the couch opposite us. "Sorry, it took so long. I had a lot to organize regarding this."

"Why did you ask me to come here," I asked her.

"Well, remember what I told you and Malarkey back in Taiwan. Our sponsor is urging us now. This is now your chance to prove to everyone how real is your feeling for him," Tina said with all seriousness. "All the details are in this envelope."

I took the envelope from her, "I doubt Jer will agree to this."

"I know he will. Rumour has it that their reputation had somehow shaken because of those gossip about your relationship."

I saw that Tina gave a look at Mia. She quickly scrambles away and left us alone in the office. After Mia was gone Tina positioned herself straight and stared at me, "Tell the truth, Laila, is there something I should know? Because what I know is that you hated seeing Malarkey, then suddenly you two announce you are a couple but you act otherwise. I can only assume that those articles are probably written by someone just close to us."

I don't know what I should say to her. It's not like she is wrong either. This is all my fault. I should have acted more of being his girlfriend. If I need to convince people I have to put aside my hatred toward him. I just can't help it most of the time.

Jer should be fuming mad at me. I was expecting that but he's not.

"Or are you suppressing whatever feelings you have inside? Because sometimes I see that you two synchronize well yet you would distance yourself to him." she continued.

"Synchronize?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"It's like whenever you move, he'll move. Both of you unconsciously know perfectly about the other but then you'll be caught in it and try to sabotage it," she told me her observation.

Is that really?

She glanced at her wristwatch and then gasped, "I have to go. I still have a meeting. I'll see the two of you then."

Tina gathers whatever files she needed and went out. After a few minutes, I also go.


People looked at me as I walk by. It must have been a shock for them to see me. After the last incident, I didn't bother coming back here but right now I have no choice.

I went to the lobby area and saw a familiar girl behind the desk.

"Hey, I'm wondering if your boss is here. It's lunchtime and I'm not sure if he is here." I said in my utmost sweet voice.

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