Chapter 41: I can ease up his boss's anger issue

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Laila POV

I was busy working on a chapter when my phone suddenly rings. I intend to ignore it but it continues to ring for a minute. With a sigh, I answered even though it was coming from an unknown number.


"Ms Condes?" a male voice answered. His voice sounds as if he felt relieved of hearing my voice.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"Ummm, I'm Mr Malarkey's assistant." he nervously answered me.

"What can I do for you?" I said as he seems to be hesitant to tell me the reason he called. Why the hell did he even call me?

He hesitated for a moment, "Well, Sir Brian had said that you might be able to help with the situation"

"What do you mean?" I still don't get why he called me.

"Mr Malarkey had been in an awful mood since coming back and he had already fired ten managers within an hour and I'm afraid he'll soon vent out on us and will have to arrange new staff and all." he rants on further confusing me of what is going on.

"Well, I have no say on that matter. Why call me?" I said matter of factly. 

"Ms Condes, if you could just talk to him. Last time you are here Mr Malarkey calmed down." he pleaded.

I took a deep sigh. Why do I have to be dragged with this matter? I was about to tell him I won't be able to help when I heard Jer's loud voice in the background.

"I'm not paying any of you to do a lousy job. Collins are you so free you have the guts to talk on your phone?" Jer's voice boomed.

Collins must be the name of the assistant who is calling me. He must have been scared because he forgot to hang up on me and all the while I continue to hear Jer bark orders and yell at his employees.

"Who are you talking to?" I heard him say.

I was about to hang up when I heard his voice talk suddenly in a different tone he had used with his employees.

"Hey," his voice became tender

"Why the hell are you being such a moron?" I couldn't help but sneer at him.

"What do you mean?" he feigned innocence. 

"C'mon Jer, I just heard you ganging on your employees. If you want to vent your anger, release it on something else and not with your people who are already stressed with you" I stated in a rather calm voice. I'm too busy to deal with him right now.

I ended the call right after. I continue working but my phone continues to lit up. Collins kept sending messages, pleading to help calm down Jeremy. I got fed up that I called Brian.

It took a couple of rings before he answered in a sing-song voice, "Laila"

"Why the hell did you tell Collins I can ease up his boss's anger issue!" I snapped.

"Oh, how are you, Brian? I'm fine. Why did you call Laila? Well, I have a question" he playfully answered me.

"I'm being serious. I have work to do and that assistant wouldn't stop pestering me"

"Well, I thought since you're the cause you may solve it?"

"What do you mean?"

There was silence on the other line. As if contemplating what to say, "All I know is that Jer was pissed knowing you are in the same room with a guy. So fixed that problem, solve."

I wasn't able to ask more because he had already hung up on me. What did I do? Collins kept sending messages to me. Fed up I decided to call Jer but his phone was off. Having no other choice I decided to head over to his office.

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