Chapter 54

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Chelsea's POV

I sat waiting for Marshall to come back from the bar with our drinks.

Marshall stood awkwardly at the bar while some young thing tried to attract his attention, swooning over him, whispering in his ear, grabbing his bicep trying to flirt all while he stood there stuff, and started to get fidgety and uncomfortable before finally quickly snatching the drinks and coming back to our seats, sitting down next to me flustered.

"Was That fun?"

"She asked to suck my cock in the bathroom, amung other things"

"That was nice of her, how generous" I chuckled, looking back over at the woman standing at the bar who looked upset she was just ghosted by Eminem.

"Yeah But now you're gonna have to do it, promises were made and someone's gotta foot the bill and I'm voting you"

I rolled my eyes "So now you're confident? You just looked like you were about to have a nervous breakdown"

"She's old enough to be my daughter, it's still weird, the shit she was whispering was just nasty, I wonder if she kisses her mother with that mouth" Marshall said jokingly.

"I can't believe you're sitting here pretending you're disgusted and you just followed up with that"

He smirked and raised his eyebrows.

"I damn well know that most your groupies were half your age"

He grinned shrugged  "Anyways, while we were eating Paul sent me through some texts, someone's sharing information about you, selling shit to the media and we aren't sure who it is yet, it shit about your past, I just want you to know now before it blows up"

"What are they going to do now? Put me down as poor? That's not as good as a Eminem groupie slut Marshall, or that I'm having your love child which is physically impossible"

"Yeah they're whack" He said sipping his drink "I told you not to read them"

I shrugged "I can't help myself sometimes"

"So no skeletons I should know about? No hidden porn career?"

"I can promise I was so broke my life was boring as hell" I said laughing at him "Pretty sure that you're the only one that's even got nudes of me since I couldn't afford a camera in my younger days"

He snorted "Well, guess were safe them, those pictures are safe with me anyways"

"Actually when I was first divorced, Tee and I went on holiday so there may be topless pictures somewhere, I was so drunk the whole time I'm still ashamed" I chuckled "I think I may have slept with Travis Barker"

Marshall broke into a laugh "What? What the fuck you mean you may have slept with him?"

"Well it was either actually him or a very good look alike, I can't remember"

"That's wild, who even are you?"

I laughed as he wrapped his arm along the back of the chair, he always had this air about him, it was as if his body radiated raw energy.

"I don't even think I knew who I was fresh out of divorce, was like a new woman"

"Your ex husband, sounded like a jack ass am I right?"

"Yeah but we both know, when you're young and dumb you don't know any better"

Marshall snorted "I made that mistake twice"

"The important thing is that you guys are mature about it now and can remain civil, my ex husband still acts like a petty teen, I'm actually surprised he hasn't tried to sell anything to the media about me"

"So him and hunter, and stop me at anytime of you feel like I'm crossing a line, don't get along?"

I sighed, my heart always broke for my poor son, his father had pretty much ignored him his hole life, the worst past is that we lived together for all of it.

"It's fine, David and I were very young when we had Hunter, I mean 18 is very young, you're not even allowed to legally drink at that point" I said after taking a sip of my drink then continued "It's like David enjoys bragging about having a son but doesn't care for him? I'm still not even sure how to put it into words, I never understood, Hunter was always intelligent always knew what was going oh, the kid is hyper aware of everything, I don't know why his own father seemingly wanted nothing to do with him"

"Yeah he's a good kid, I can relate to the whole father not wanting you thing, but it's cold to be like that while living with the kid"

"Hunter still tries to gain his fathers approval, he spends time visiting him and doing what he wants, tries to impress him, it's heartbreaking, he acts as if it doesn't bother him, but I know it always has and lost probably always will, when he was a teenager he use to beg me, asking me how he could get his dads attention and how to stop him from having him"

I watched Marshall's expression closely, he briefly looked as if someone had kicked his cat, he seemingly zoned out for a moment but then landed back in reality.

"That poor kid, he's so lucky to have a supportive nurturing mother like you, if he hadn't have had you he may have ended up pretty messed up like us"

I chucked at his reply "Your girls are lucky to have you, you raised three intelligent girls through traumatic life events and overcoming addiction for the sake of them Marshall, you're one hell of a parent, it only proves that out past and how wet were raised ourselves didn't define us, we managed to raise stable, smart, down to earth kids against all odds"

Marshall have me a shy smile "uh, thanks, I wanted them to be good people", he was never one to take compliments.

"Are you upset that you could never have more kids?" He suddenly asked.

"Honestly? It broke my heart" I said thinking back "I spent my whole recovery crying myself to sleep because I would never carry another baby again, Hunter and I had to go stay at Tee's small two bedroom townhouse because David said he was too busy to look after us and was sick of hearing me cry about it, I later found out he knocked up a few other woman and paid for their terminations with money I had earned"

Marshall looked annoyed but didn't say anything.

"I eventually realised it is what it is and that I was lucky I had Hunter" I smiled "what about you? Did you never want more of your own?"

"After adopting Lainy and Whit it kinda never crossed my mind, I did it so they wouldn't end up in foster care, I love those girls like my daughters, which is probably why, I've always been busy with them or music" He said then paused "Kim and I were pregnant the second time back in the early 2000s but she had a miscarriage, I just don't think it was meant to be"

"I'm sorry to hear that"

"It okay, we made peace on it"

"You're like the only rapper that doesn't have like millions of love children"

"That I know of"

I elbowed him playfully and he laughed and grinned that are grin I get to see in public.

"You Just told me you think you may have slept with Travis Barker, you don't get to judge anymore" he said and wagged his finger at me.

I laughed and shook my head.

"I meant it when I said you make a great father though, to your girls, you even make a great father figure to the young artists that come through your studio, even when Hunter comes to you for advice"

He smiled at me and pulled me in kissing me gently but full of emotion.

There was a flash of a camera phone but we ignored it, lost in the moment.

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