Chapter 17

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Chelseas POV

"This place is amazing!" I whisper yelled in Marshall's ear "Thank you for the amazing weekend, but arn't you worried about getting seen?"

Marshall shrugged "Haven't yet have I? The worlds under the false notion that I'm a hermit remember, last place they expect to see me is LA's hottest club"

He sat with his hand resting on my thigh, he hadn't moved it the whole time, during dinner and or now at the club.

I was finally noticing all the things Tee had pointed out to me.

A few times I actually caught him looking at me then looking away when I'd catch him.

And if I was being honest I wanted him to peel my dress off and...

"Chelsea?" I'm shaken out of my train of though by Marshall motioning to the bottle of champagne and I nod.

In the last few hours I had managed to set my anxiety aside, what's the worst that could happen?

Of course the expensive champagne helped, nothing like a bit of liquid courage when you're trying to romance a world class rapper who could have anyone right?


The anxiety wasn't having it.

I really didn't want to be too drunk because hell, I didn't want to ruin it.

I downed the glass and Marshall raised a brow at me.

His lips curved up at the sides, he never smiled in public but the sign was always there.

Instead he did his famous smirk as I reached up to trace his lips, he swiftly grabbed my hand and kissed it.

I looked around, everyone was deep in their conversations or dancing, Marshall was alway hyper aware of what was going on around him, he once said it was because when he was fucked up on drugs, everything faded when he sobered up and he had no recollection of a lot of things, so now he's always taking in everything, also it's so he can spot a pap for miles away.

I joked that it was as if he was a sniper, he liked that.

I looked back at him and swallowed, focusing on his lips again, wondering what other talent laid claim on them.

I had turned into a woman obsessed.

"You can do it you know" He said suddenly.

"It's very public"

"There's only other celebrities in here, do what you want to me"

I bit my lip and thought for a moment.

Come on Chelsea, you've kissed him before.

I was pretty drunk though.

Fuck it.

Just do it.

I leaned in to Marshall and laid my lips on his, his grip tightened on my thigh and he groaned and he kissing me back deeper and with urgency, pulling me closer with the arm that was sling over my shoulder.

He pulled away, lust burning in his blue eyes.

I checked the time, it was still before midnight.

"Wanna go finish my birthday at the hotel? I feel like I want to ring out forty with R&B music and your great company"

He didn't need to be asked twice, he stood up and nodded toward the back entrance, leaning down and saying something to Denaun and Tee who both looked up and nodded at me, Tee with her mischievous grin "Bye guys, have fun, we'll text you later..."

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