Chapter 3

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They had been chatting for what seemed like hours.

The three of them shared stories with Chelsea and Tee from their younger years on tour, well what they could remember that is.

Never in a million years did Chelsea ever think she would ever sit and have conversations with one of Detroit's biggest rappers, let alone three of them.

Hell she never even dreamed it when she was a big fan when she was younger, she was just realistic of the chances.

She was still a fan now but life and other priorities took over and music was the last thing she worried about.

Marshall wasn't what she ever expected.

Sure he was quietly confident and slightly Cocky but at the same time he was very down to earth and humble.

Feeling the alcohol a bit, Chelsea checked the time.

It was two am and the place was still heaving.

She made a note to herself to come to charity events more often.

She turned to Tee who was in deep conversation about god knows what with Royce that was getting quite slightly heated almost debate like, they were quite alike.

"Do you need another one?" Marshall gestured to her half empty champagne glass.

"Are you trying to get me drunk Mr. Mathers?" Chelsea Chuckled "Coz I can certainly say I don't think my glass has been under half full all night"

"Never, just wouldn't want you to get thirsty"

"How are you even still this awake? I would have been half asleep by now"

"I switched out to red bull" Marshall said then held up the glass showing the red bull coloured beverage.

"Do you miss alcohol?"

"Sometimes" He replied and thought for a moment and then shrugged "Life's not short of temptation, I just remind myself of my daughters and that I'm still alive"

"That sucks, I'm sorry to hear that"

"I've been sober since 2008, I've made my peace with it, and I prefer me now to old fucked up me, I just wish I remembered more, a lot of those years have big black holes in them, I look back at some interviews and I cringe, I see it's me but I don't remember any of it"

Chelsea smiled at him "Probably for the best that you don't remember it then, I'm sure they'd all happily remind you"

Marshall chuckled "Trust me the guys are always keeping up memories"

"Hate to cut this short, I've had a blast but if I don't leave now, I won't get up until the afternoon tomorrow"

"I know this is forward, and I don't usually so this, but can I get your number?"

Chelsea bit her lip "I have a boyfriend, so I don't think..."

Tees head snapped around like a scene out of the exorcist "He's not a real boyfriend Chelsea, you barely even see each other, if you don't pass on your number, I will" she continued the turning to Marshall "Her "man" ain't shit, trust me, I certainly wouldn't even classify his bougie ass as a boyfriend"

Marshall chuckled at her friends forwardness and turned back to Chelsea.

"Friends then?"

"You could always use more friends, what's adding Marshall Mathers, might improve your boring ass life" Tee said drinking the last of her drink.

"No pressure" Marshall said, lips twitching from trying to not smile.

"God damnit" Chelsea sighed caving with a laugh as Marshall gave her his phone and she entered her number.

Tee sat there with a smug smile and picked up her purse as they all stood up, hugging each other goodbye.

"It was really a pleasure to meet all of you, you're all great people"

"Hey, maybe you can pull that poster out again..." Royce said with a sly grin.

"Oh my god, goodbye"

With a final wave they headed towards the exit to hail down a cab.


"So did you have fun ragging on me all night in front of Eminem"

Tee laughed out loud as they walked into Chelsea's front door.

"Like you wouldn't believe"

"You're such a bitch, why am I friends with you still" Chelsea said falling on the sofa and started to take off her heels.

"Because no one wanted to put up with your whiney white ass for what has it been now... 35 years?"

"I regret walking into that preschool room somedays"

Tee chuckled and sat down next to her and started to remove her own heels.

"He wanted to pump you for sure though"
Chelsea rolled her eyes "Oh? And what makes you say that"

"Are you blind or just stupid?"

"He did give me a little extra attention I guess"

"I'm gonna go ahead and say if you offered he would have had you in his car so fast"

"How many times do I have to remind you about Chad"

"At least a million more times because I really don't care for him and your fake relationship"

Chelsea nudged Tee and laughed.

"I should have roofied you and sent your ass home with Slim Shady, god knows Chad ain't fucking you right, so damn snappy all the time"

"Honestly, I'm fine with what we have"

"You're not, don't try act like you are, he's a douche, lord knows he's probably out fucking the whole of Detroit"

"That's fucking the most hypocritical shit I've heard, what the fucks wrong with you Tee, You're literally telling me to go fuck a man that HAS probably fucked the whole entire city of Detroit, hell America, and every other country he's toured in the last 20 years"

"Yeah but at least that would be brag worthy"

"You're impossible" Chelsea huffed standing up and heading to her bedroom "I'm going to bed"

"You need to live a little boo" Tee yelled after her with a laugh "Don't be like that, you know I loves you"

Chelsea turned and flipped her off.

"Get off my ass already"

"I know your ass is about to pull that rabbit out the drawer and think about bouncing on that rapper dick though, that fine ass white boy Marshall look damn good for his age and you fucking know it"

Tee was answered with a door slam.

"I know you bitch" Tee giggled to herself standing up and heading to the guest room, still chuckling to herself.

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