Chapter 5

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Marshall's POV

Was sitting in the studio with my phone in my hand contemplating if I should ring one of the usual booty calls.

It was late and it has been one long ass week.

"You we finnished yet or what" I heard Royce whine from beside me.

"You can go if you want"

"What are you gonna do now?"

"Prob go though the black book of hoes"

Royce chuckled "Man I don't know how you still fuck around with that shit, one woman is headache enough for me, fuck dealing with multiple"

"Easy enough to boot them out when they get an attitude"

"What happened to that Chelsea chick?"

"I'm working on it, gotta get around the boyfriend fact first, friend says he's nothing but she ain't budging, so I gotta play the friend card you know how the saying goes about neglecting women"

"Treat your girl right or another man will" Royce chuckled "You are one fucked up individual Marshall"

I shrugged, what does he expect me to say.

"She hot though, I couldn't believe it when she said she was turning 40 next month, be a shame to waste her for one night in heaven"

"Yeah but they're all the same, so why should I waste my time pursuing them like that"

"They're not though, that's just your fucked up head"

If it was anyone else I would have lost my temper and knocked them out, but it was Royce and he was right.

I don't have trust for women and it's no secret.

"Your bitterness has always gotten the best of you, you also can't blame an entire female species because you've had a few bad ones, here's an idea, maybe stop fucking the hoes that only see Eminem and dollar signs"

"How am I suppose to get laid then?"

"I don't know Marshall, maybe grow the fuck up and give dating a fucking chance again?" He huffed getting sick of my shit already "Bitch ass, I'm out, I'll see you big baby ass tomorrow"

He walked out making a point to slam the studio door.

Dating he says.

I laugh, I ain't gonna do that, I can't trust shit, I'm also needy and clingy.

He'd ruined my mood with the lecture, so now all I wanted to do was go home, eat and watch football.

I got up, grabbed my stuff and headed towards the exit, walking past the salivating receptionist, headingout to my car.

After changing into sweats, I fell on my couch and flicked the tv on, chewing into the Taco Bell I grabbed on the way home.

I was interrupted by a knock on the door then it flying open.

"Hey dad" Hailie smiled "I thought I'd stop by for a visit"

"Hey baby girl, how's things?"

"Yeah not bad, had a few fashion labels offer me to model their pieces, you know how it is, everyone wants a piece of Eminem's daughter" She said rolling her eyes.

"I hear that baby"

"Anything new with you?"

"Well I got a lecture about dating tonight from Royce" I said with a sheepish smile, I hated talking about this shit with Hailie because her and Alaina get right into it.

"Oh? Is there a lucky lady finally? Oh my god"

"Oh god no, he thinks I need to grow up, go on some dates and find someone decent and stop finding... easy fixes so to speak?"

"Okay one, ew dad, how have you never caught anything... actually don't answer that and two he has a very valid point" she said sitting down next to me placing her head on my shoulder "You know we hate seeing you like this all alone"

"But I'm not lonely, I got you girls, you're my world"

"Dad you're not being realistic, you are alone intimately, I shouldn't have to give you a lecture too, it's different and you know it, you deserve love too dad, and I don't mean the love for your daughters and the love we have for you" She sighed looking at me "You deserve to be in real love again, to be loved unconditionally by a woman, that special kind of love that only another person can give you"

"How did you get so insightful and wise"

"I learnt from the most intelligent man I know" She smiled and kissed my cheek.

I had to think about what she said, I didn't really want to put myself out there yet, I'm not sure if I was ready for it.

"Take you time dad, just do what feels comfortable"

"Are you really giving your old man dating advice?"

"I have to, you have terrible taste in women, and you wouldn't know how to act appropriately around one if your life depended on it"

"That's rude" I Chuckled, she wasn't wrong though.

"It's honest" She giggled "You can do it, just please don't even bring up groupies in my presence ever again"

We both sat there quietly watching a movie, enjoying each other's company.

"I did get a heads up though"

Here we go.

"Unc Royce said you got a ladies number and you've been in contact" she said with a smirk that very much looks like mine.

Honestly, he can't help himself.

"Yeah but she's got a man"

"Are you ready for another piece of wisdom?"

"Ok hit me with it" I said smiling at my daughter.

Still not believing how she could have turned out so damn perfect.

"A mans biggest mistake is giving another man the opportunity to make his woman smile"

"Yo, that's actually really deep"

"I know" Hailie smiled flipping her hair over her shoulder "I do believe the T.I hip hop version is "Treat ya girl right or another man will"

I pulled her into a hug as she laughed out loud.

I missed these moments with my kids, they're all so grown up now, and I'm still trying to grasp when it happened.

My Hailie Jade, the silly little girl that I use to play dolls and run around the house with was a grown ass woman and was currently sitting on the couch giving me dating advice.

We sat for a few more hours watching movies and chatting until it was late she went home, leaving me alone in my big ass house with my own dangerous mind.

Hailies last piece of advice floating around in my head.

"A mans biggest mistake is giving another man the opportunity to make his woman smile"

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