Chapter 6

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Chelsea squinted at the man across from her at the breakfast table.

He had called last minute last night for dinner and stayed the night.

"So how was your week"

"You know how it is sweetheart, super busy" Chad said eating a piece of his low carb toast "How was yours"

"Yeah was pretty... Eventful?"

"That's great you're keeping busy, sorry I've been away so much, you know how it is"

Chelsea simply nodded.

She didn't know how it was really, she could actually care less.

He said you know how it is too much and it annoyed her.

Chad looked to his side, catching a glimpse of the two CDs and the rolled up poster, reaching over he unrolls it and studies it.

"Aren't  you a little too old for a sold out rapper? And isn't this from like decades ago?"

Keeping her smile at bay Chelsea shrugged "A friend thought they were being funny, I had that same poster up in my bedroom when I was a teenager"

"Are you going to keep this trash?"

"Ofcouse I am, it was a gift, he's also not trash darling, he's very relevant and still breaking records"

"I can't believe you still listen to rap music, it's so tasteless"

Again Chelsea simply shrugged "I grew up in Detroit, it's all we had, I wouldn't expect you to understand, you use to listen to Moby" she followed up with a giggle "I don't even know what you listen to now, I don't even have a name for it"

Chad sighed at her and sat back.

"Anything else happen?"

"Well Hours got invited to a charity event as you know"

"That's nice, see anyone interesting?"

"Oh yeah, rubbed shoulders with them all night, it was great"

"This weekend we got invited to a private release too"

"That's great, at least you're keeping busy, this little editor business is picking up"

Chelsea rolled her eyes "You do realise that we're one of the biggest magazines in Detroit right?"

"It's hardly Vogue sweetheart"

Chelsea places her hands on the breakfast table and stood up, she'd had enough of Chads boring condescending attitude already and would rather get to work early then deal with it any longer.

She found herself looking forward to the weekend even more, for a world wide superstar Marshall didn't talk down to her nor was he condescending like her own boyfriend.

"It's probably time for you to go Chad, I have to leave for work in a few minutes, I have a deadline on my little magazine, can you be a doll and let yourself out? Thanks" she turned and went to get ready.



"He's such a bitch" Tee exclaimed.

Chelsea was sitting in the coffee shop across from her and filling her in of her night and morning with Chad.

"You really deserve worlds better boo, you've already had a shitty husband, you deserve a doting rapper boyfriend at least"

"I just don't know why I bother, I'm successful and he doesn't even want to acknowledge that"

"You know who did though" Tee smirked "And even if he only wants to beat that pussy up, he still acknowledged your career and success and we spent like what a few hours with him? He's a multi platinum selling rapper and he acknowledged your success"

Chelsea roll her eyes, they were getting a work out this morning.


"Real recognises real Baby girl" Tee sighed "A man like Marshall knows how to appreciate success, he came from nothing, much like us, Chad wouldn't know shit, he's a trust fund baby, mans not even a real Baller"

Chelsea shook her head and laughed at her friends comments.

Her phone vibrated, it was Marshall, he had been checking in on and off all week texting back and forth and confirming that they were still coming so he could give the numbers to Royce.

He contacted her more then her own man did.

She slid the button to answer

"Hey Marshall, to what do I owe the pleasure"

"Ya know, sometimes you're so damn polite I don't believe you ever grew up in Warren" He chuckled into phone.

"Give me a forty and I'll show you otherwise" Tee started making obscene gestures again, Chelsea really began to second guess her best friends mental age.

"Can take the girl out of the Warren but can't take the Warren out of the girl huh?"

"Bring a few on Saturday, we'll show you ghetto" Chelsea giggled.

"That's very tempting, I may hold you to that, hell if it's a quiet night why not" he joked.

"Did you call me just to flirt?"

"Yes and no, I actually can't remember why I called, I got distracted by the 40s comment, I'd be lying if I wasn't just looking for an excuse to call" He laughed

"At least you're honest" Chelsea smiled into the phone.

"Anyways Chelsea, I got someone on my ass, I'll hit you up later"

"Sure thing, bye Marshall" with that she hung up.

"Girl he is making sure he's staying at the front of your mind"

"You're being stupid"

"He's smarter then I though he was" Tee grinned.

"Why are you so invested on this"

"I said you deserved the world and I meant it"

"So you're trying to pimp me out to a rapper?"

Tee chuckled standing up, picking up her handbag.

"It's doesn't have to be a rapper no, but I sure as hell don't have to pimp you out to no one beautiful"

Chelsea grabbed her bag and straightened her skirt and they both headed to the office.


Walking into her office there was another larger box on her desk and flowers next to it.

Chelsea walked up to her desk with Tee in tow, slipping the lid off the box, a few bottles of Colt 45 staring back at her.

"Bottles of 40s! Oh this man is too much" Tee cackled "Oh he wants GHETTO, ghetto"

Chelsea laughed as she picked up the note on the flowers.


It's time to get buck wild.


"He sent you long stemmed roses and Colt 45" Tee laughed "This is what happens when a man listens to everything you say"

"We're friends remember, ofcouse he listens to what I say" Chelsea Chuckled, inspecting the flowers.

Long stemmed red roses.

She sighed.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night girlfriend, but you literally just told him an hour ago and he's managed this within an hour" Tee smirked gesturing to the same roses "Better start buying me roses and 40s boo since apparently that's what friends do..."


Chad has never ever bought her flowers.

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