Chapter 19

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Marshall's POV

I knew shit was about to go down, but I just didn't know when.

I now had Chelsea to myself, and in my fucked up own selfish way, that's why I wanted her single.

That and that guy really didn't deserve her.

We were both single but I didn't want her with anyone but me.

I'd been over this stupid argument with Dre, Royce, Denaun even fucking Nathan.

My daughters, I was letting believe that I was just taking my time.

They were the most invested and I actually started to feel guilty.

It wasn't their fault their dad was a monster and the only women he had love left for were his daughters.

I mean shit, I cared for Chelsea, I really did, but I don't know how much I could invest in her.

Friendship with someone was a huge enough step for me as it was, I didn't trust people, and I trusted her and didn't want to ever loose that.

I know I'm being a little bitch in this though, if I just for once put myself on the fucking line, but even people like me have anxiety, and that's what pulls me back and build walls around myself.

One too many times was I burnt by women and so called friends.

But I guess so was Chelsea, and we kind just danced around with the fact.

Our friends wanted other things but we were just happy being close friends with benefits.

It was hard enough to keep my hands off her, I wasn't blind, she was fucking beautiful, and her personality was definitely out of this world.

It also eased off the times I had to call one of the booty calls, I mean I'm pretty certain ninety percent of the time, Chelsea was using me as a booty call.

I don't like when I say eased off, I mean it in a BIG way, like I don't call others anymore.

I chuckled to myself, unaware that it was louder then I thought.

"You straight?" Royce questioned.

I rolled my eyes.

"Ofcouse I fucking am" I snapped "Just thinking of some lyrics"

I didn't want to admit I was stuck in my own head about Chelsea, again, Royce would instantly pick up, then everyone would know.

Royce smirked at me and leaned back in his chair "Doing that kind of "lyrical" thinking a lot lately Evil, yet I'm still waiting for you to show me some of it"

I don't know if it was the fact I was loosing my touch but lately everyone seems to be reading me like a book.

"Thinking about that beautiful blonde huh"

I sigh and lean back, I didn't have to say shit.

"Why is dating her gonna be so bad? Come on, your big spiel to her ex Chad about respect and all that shit but you won't even date the woman"

"We don't want to date, what we have suits us fine, I do respect her, she still gets the boyfriend experience and I'm sure as hell treating her better then Chad"

"Friends with Benefits that buy extravagant gifts and flowers" Royce snorted "You are literally one step away from boyfriend, just gotta name the title man, just take the leap, how the fuck do you know that she don't want to make it serious?"

"I don't want to fuck up and hurt her, how is that so fucking hard to understand?"

Royce looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

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