Chapter 35- Restoring The Emerald

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"Guys! Hurry!" Silver said as he was flying above the ground. "They're chasing after us!" He told Sonic and Shadow who were below him.

Silver then used his psychokinesis to lift the Master Emerald up in the air with him. "We need to get to Angel Island fast! Does anyone have a way to get there?"

Shadow and Sonic were both running. "I have a gold ring," Sonic took out a ring. He threw it at a far distance in front of them. "There, I just made way for a portal. But we have to go fast or else it will close up!" He began running.

"Get back here! I'm not letting you get away with my gem that easy!" Scourge said as he was running with Amy by his side.

Silver looked behind him. "Oh no! It's Scourge and Amy!"

"You two go on ahead!" Sonic said to the silver and black hedgehog. "I'll hold them off!" He ran to the green and pink hedgehog.

"Shadow, you go ahead first. So that you can help me move the Emerald out of the portal from the other side." Silver said to Shadow.

"Okay," Shadow said. "I will." He then went through the portal. 

On the other side of the portal at Angel Island, the whole place was shaking. "Shadow?" Knuckles saw him. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to help you with the Master Emerald. So is Sonic and Silver, they sent me here. They will be coming through, eventually."

Tails was laying down next to Knuckles. He opened his eyes. "Hey, what happened?" The fox got back up. "Where's Sonic? What happened to Scourge and Amy?" He then saw Shadow. "And why is Shadow here? I'm all confused."

His eyes then widened. "What the!? Why is the whole island SHAKING!?" He lost his balance and fell down on his bottom.

Knuckles said to him. "I will explain it to in a bit, Tails." He said. "But what's more important is that we have to get the Master Emerald back on Angel Island, so everything can stop shaking."

"Shadow!" Silver went through the portal while using his ability to lift up the Master Emerald. "I'm here!"

Shadow helped him push the Emerald away from the portal.

"Sonic needs to hurry! Or else the portal will close!" Silver said, as he used his psychokinesis to place the Master Emerald back where it belongs. As he placed it, the whole island stopped feeling earth quakes. It had calmed down and had started to fly back up into the sky.

On the other side, Sonic was still at Green Hill Zone. "I'm sorry, guys. But I can't waste anymore time now! This was a nice fight." He said.

"But I have to go. See ya, later!" He then speeded towards to the ring portal in a flash.

TUH-ADIIING! The portal made its ring sound and had closed.

"Sonic!" Tails saw him get out of the portal. He ran to him and hugged him. "You're back!"

"Hey, Tails," Sonic said. "I can see that you are feeling all better now." He got his hand and caressed his yellow bangs. "I'm happy to see that you are doing okay."

"Yeah," Tails said. "That tranquillizer dart took a lot of energy out of me."

Knuckles started talking to them all. "Thank you guys for helping to restore the Master Emerald back where it belongs. I'm really greatful for all the help, Sonic, Shadow, and Silver. I really appreciate it."

"You're most welcome, Knuckles." Sonic said. "I couldn't of done it without Shadow and Silver."

"It was a pleasure." Silver said. "I just happened to be at the right place and right time."

"Anyways," Knuckles said. "I would like to repay all of you for your hard work."

"Repay us?" Silver asked. "And how?--"

"I would like to reward you guys by spending time at the beach. It will just be us hanging out as friends. That's all." Knuckles said.

"Wow, that sounds like fun!" Tails said.

"And Tails, you can come with us too," Knuckles said. "Because I know you tried your best to help too. And you're my friend."

"Really?" Gee, thanks!" Tails said.

"If you are going to be coming with us to hang out." Shadow said. "Who's going to be guarding the Master Emerald then?" He asked.

"I already thought about that ahead." Knuckles said. "I'll tell my dad to fill in for me. Besides, I haven't had a break in a long while."

"That sounds good," Sonic said.

"Right." Knuckles said. "And don't forget to meet me at the beach tomorrow. At the afternoon, at 3 o'clock."

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