Chapter 7- The Letter

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'I can't believe it's really been 5 years, since Amy Rose has diappeared.'  Sonic sprinted off in a run, because he felt like he needed some peace and silence to quiet his mind-boggling head that flooded thoughts of sadness and anger towards  still not being able to find her for so long.

'Every day feels like the same day. Just thinking about her all the time. And trying to find her. In hopes, that she'll return.' He went to Amy's house.

What was once her house, filled with beautiful lively colors had now turned into an abandoned home with no colors at all. The red and white roses at the front garden were now all dark and wilted. The grass that use to be very green was now a faded color.

It's like once that Amy had left and hadn't came back to her home in so long, her absence had given the environment negative energy.

Inside the house was very dark and very quiet, everything was left like Amy had left it. But all what was missing was her--her bright-cheery presence that can fill up the whole atmosphere.

Ever since Sonic felt broken about missing Amy, every time he felt sad thinking about her. He would go into her house alone. It would always be empty, just him by himself in there because he was the only one that entered there.

He went to Amy's room and looked around. He was walking and stopped when he heard a cracking noise.

Out of curiosity, he looked down at what he stepped on. There were pieces of broken glass on the floor. He saw that it was a  picture of him and her together.

He picked up the picture. The glass frame on it was broken and cracked. "Amy." He looked at the picture that showed him putting his arm around Amy.

Sonic's heart fluttered, seeing Amy smile in the picture. He remembered that day. She was really happy because she got to spend more time with him, on the day of her birthday. And that was the only birthday wish she told me she had.

He put the picture back on top of the dresser. He went to get a broom and dust pan, and he sweeped the broken glass away and threw it in the trash.

He went back to the room. He sat down on her bed. He saw the same letter that Amy had left first on her bed with the rose on top of it.

After Sonic had read the letter the first time on the day Cream had given it to him years ago, he remembered he had returned it back in its original place.

He picked up the letter and read it, with Amy's voice through his head.

Dear Sonic the Hedgehog,
After all these years, you know I have been chasing after you, waiting for you. I've had a crush on you for such a long time. In all that time, for all those years I put up with you.

I didn't mind being friends with you. I liked our friendship, it was really great. But as time grew, my feelings for you grew stronger--making me want even more to be with you. It made me keep on fighting for you at any cost.

But I got tired of waiting for you. I got tired of playing your games. Just like, when you decided to play that prank on me by pretending you liked me when you actually didn't have any feelings for me. That really hurt me.

It hurt me so much that you played around with my feelings a lot and that you toyed with my emotions. You broke my heart.

I felt so broken inside. I couldn't take this pain in my heart anymore from all that, so I have decided to leave forever because I don't want to see you ever again. And I don't want anyone else to find me.

You're such an idiot. You will never know how much love I had for you. I loved you so much and cared about you for all these years, Sonic. Now you won't ever get to see or hear the last of me ever again.

Goodbye, Sonic. I love you. I always will. You will always have a special place in my heart.

~Amy Rose

Sonic put down the letter. Tears poured out of his eyes. "I'm such an idiot. I don't deserve Amy because I hurt her a lot, yet she loved me so much."

He looked at the rose, that was now wilted. He picked it up, some of its petals fell on the bed. "Yet, when I realize that I've loved her for all this time, she's already gone...due to my act of being immature and insensitive towards her feelings for me."

He wiped his tear away and smelled the dark-wilted rose. It smelled just like Amy's natural scent. 'I miss you Amy. I promise, I will get you back. If it's the last thing I ever do for the rest of my life.'

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