Chapter 8- Sonic's Heartache

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Sonic tossed and turned in bed, he was thinking of Amy in his mind. He was having a dream.

Sonic was walking around and spotted Amy from a distance. "Amy! I found you!" He hugged Amy.

Amy got frustrated and pushed him off of her, rejecting his hug. "Get away from me, Sonic! I don't want to see you ever again!"

"But, Amy, I--" Sonic stood in front of her and put his hand out towards her.

Amy crossed her arms and ignored him. "Hmph!" She turned away and started walking away.

Sonic started chasing after her. "Please, Amy! I want you back!" He kept on running faster to try to catch her.

However, Amy disappeared from the distance as Sonic lost sight of her. "Amy." He became frightened, seeing he was now all alone in a dark atmosphere. "AMY!"
"Amy!" Sonic shouted to himself.

He awoke from his nightmare and looked down at his hands, he felt they were sweaty.

He touched his forehead, it felt a little hot. He sighed to himself in relief. "It was just a dream." He took off his blanket off of himself and moved it to the side of his bed.

He stood up and ran downstairs.

He saw that Tails was in the kitchen standing next to the counter, that had the coffee pot on top. "Hi, Sonic. Want some coffee?" He opened the pantry.

"Sure, Tails." Sonic sat down on a chair.

Tails took out two mugs from the pantry. With the coffee pot, he poured the warm coffee into both of them. "Be careful, it's boiling hot." He set Sonic's mug on the table, and took a seat in front of him.

"Thanks." Sonic said in a low tone.

"How did you sleep?"

"Hmmm..." Sonic said. "Not so good."

Tails took a sip from his coffee. "I can tell by the look on your face. You look like you're in distress." He said. "What's wrong?"

"Mmm." Sonic said in disappointment. "I just had a bad dream."

"A bad dream? About what?"

"Amy." Sonic blew the hot steam that arose from his coffee. "I had a dream that I saw her and found her. But when I went to hug her and get close to her...She pushed me away and told me that she didn't want to see me again. She walked away from me and ignored me."

He took some sips from coffee. "When I saw her walking away, I called her name out. Everytime I kept on chasing after her and running even more faster; I couldn't catch up to her. She kept on fading away and disappeared. It made me sad that I couldn't see her again."

Tails continued listening to him. "The next thing I know, she's gone. And I see that I'm all alone and am surrounded in a dark atmosphere...without her."

"Oh, Sonic." Tails looked worried. "You miss Amy, a lot..since the day she left. Don't you?"

"Yes, I do." Sonic said. He looked down at the coffee inside his mug.

"I miss her smile. Her warm hugs. Her perfume-like rose scent. All of her." All of a sudden, he got emotional. He got up from his seat and stood up. He slammed his fists hard onto the table, making the coffee spill from the mugs. "DAMN IT, TAILS! I miss HER so much! " Tears fell out of his emerald eyes.

He covered his watery eyes with his hands. "It's all my fault that she's gone! I wish I could of apologized to her earlier so that she wouldn't of left!"

"Sonic." Tails had a frown on his face.

"I regret being a jerk to her. I regret playing around with her feelings. I regret toying with her." Sonic took his hands away from his eyes. "Now that she's gone, I've realized that I love her, Tails. And I want to tell her how I feel, when I find her."

"I understand that you had all these years to think about what you have done to her." Tails got up and approached Sonic. "You must really love Amy." He said. "But to find her? But you said we weren't going to search for her anymore!?..that we had been doing it for so long that you said it's stressed everyone out and had taken a major effect on their lives." he said. "It was a 5 year search."

"Yes, I know," Sonic said. "But I want the rest of you guys to go back to your normal lives. I haven't seen anyone else been theirselves since this whole non-stop search for her. I know no one has been happy."

"I get what you mean," Tails got a wash cloth and wiped the coffee that had spilled onto the table. "But, searching for Amy? Man, that's going to be tough. But if anyone is going to do it. I know it is you, Sonic."

"I know," Sonic said. "And that's why I'm going to go search for her. Even if it costs me my life."

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