Chapter 37- There Can't Be Any Witnesses

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Sonic ran fast enough across the beach shore to be far away from his friends. He then stopped and wiped his tears away with his hands. "This whole situation seems hopeless. I can't keep crying over this." He said to himself. "I don't even know where Amy is even at?"

"Wait!" He realized something. "I totally forgot I still have the tracking device to track her location." He took out the device. "I doubt she's--" His eyes widened. "WHAT!?" He said. "Her location points ahead of me? Which means that...she's at the same beach as me!? How is that even possible?" He looked at the technology screen. "Why would she even be here?"

"I guess," He said. "There's only one way to find out. And that's to go find her again." He began walking ahead on the sand.


"Scourge." Amy said as she was standing in the bedroom with Scourge. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. What do you wanna ask me?" Scourge stood with his back turned towards her, as he was facing the clear glass window on his side. 

"About the Master Emerald," Amy sat down on the bed with her back turned, so that she wasn't making any eye contact with him. "Why were we trying to steal it in the first place?"

"The Master Emerald." Scourge gazed up at his reflection shown in the glass window. "We were stealing it, so that we can keep it and use it for the greater power it has. Wouldn't you want its great power?"

"Its power?" Amy bit her lip, nervously. "Yeah, sure I would!~" She lied. "But it's just..."

"Just what?"

"I just--You didn't tell me how if we took away the Master Emerald, that it would make Angel Island fall down from the sky, falling from its own existence that we would be responsible for costing the lives of many Mobians."

Scourge stopped looking at the window. He turned around and walked towards Amy and hugged her from behind. "I just think that's dangerous, and--" she continued speaking.

"And WHAT?" Amy was nervous as she heard that question from Scourge.

Sonic followed the tracking device that he was using. And it lead him to a beach house. "Amy must be in this house?" He looked ahead and  walked up to the window to see Scourge hugging Amy.

His eyes widened. 'I found her! She is in there! What should I do?'

Sonic stood in silence. 'I have a feeling that I shouldn't barge in there. I have a feeling that I should wait this one out and then take some action on this.' He thought to himself.

He continued secretly watching through the window to see what was going on. "And what, Amy?" Scourge repeated. "What were you going to say?"

"I--Uh--" Amy was very unsure and she felt nervous to speak about her own opinion on the subject. "I just think that we shouldn't be doing that. I just don't like the idea of possibly knowing that we may of killed some Mobians with just taking the Master Emerald away from them. I didn't even know that the island's existence depends on protecting that emerald, so that it can hold it up into the sky without the whole place falling down."

Amy closed her eyes and sighed. "I'm sorry, Scourge," she said. "But I think what we're doing is wrong. And I don't want anything to do with it."

Scourge wrapped his arms more around Amy. He pulled her in for a kiss and he said, "Look, I love you and all, Amy. But," He took out a tranquillizer dart with his hand, "I have to do this for your sake!" He stabbed the dart on her back. "I can't have you going back to the good side. It's either that or I kill you."

"S-Scourge," Amy said before she passed out.

Sonic was in awe with just witnessing what Scourge did to Amy. "Amy! Oh no!" He shouted. "I have to save her now." He then realized that he had his cover had been blown when he saw Scourge see him outside by the window.

"Oh no, he just saw me." Sonic sweat dropped. He then looked confused when he saw Scourge smirking at him from inside. He was caught off guard when a fire-red fox stabbed him on his back with a tranquillizer dart. "Gotcha Sonic!"

Sonic didn't see that the female fox had snuck up behind him so he instantly went unconscious. He fell down to the ground. "We can't have any witnesses to Amy's disappearance," the fox looked down onto his lifeless body.

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