twenty five

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"Levi? How can I help you?" Lillian put down her pen and stared at the hesitant man at her office door, his hand behind his back. "What's wrong? I've never seen you look this worried."

"Here." Levi revealed a bouquet of flowers from behind his back, placing them on her desk as he avoided her eyes and looked out the window.

"They are beautiful." She grinned, standing up and putting the flowers in a vase and filling it up with water. "Why though? I didn't think you had a heart to get someone flowers."

"Tch, I'll take them back then."

"No!" Lilly screamed, protecting the flowers from his grasp. "I really like them."

"Come on, follow me." Levi grabbed her wrist and dragged her out her office, pulling her through the halls where they recieved strange looks from people. He finally stopped when they arrived at the pond, a blanket laid out and a basket beside it. "Isabel set it up."

"It's amazing." She kissed his cheek and sat down on the blanket, her back to him as she realised what she had done, her cheeks flushed red. "Can I?"

When he nodded Lillian opened the basket and pulled out a cake, her eyes glowing with delight as she placed it down. Levi sat beside her on the blanket and pulled out a knife, cutting her a slice.

"Why are you doing this, Levi? Is this a date?" The doctor questioned as she took a large bite from the red velvet cake.

"You ask too many questions." He clicked his tongue as he saw the cream in the corner of her mouth. Levi reached forwards and wiped it off, her face going bright red as he cleaned his finger on a napkin. "But yes, this is a date."

"Thank you." The pair happily ate the cake and other treats in the basket while talking about everything and nothing.

"You trained in Shiganshina?" Levi asked curiously, pushing some hair off her face.

"Yes, I stayed with Doctor Jaeger and his family. I became very close with the children and need to find time off to visit them again." Lillian smiled to herself at the memory. "I want to ask you about your childhood but I'm afraid you'll cut me off and not be so open anymore."

"My mother was a prostitute." He told her, ignoring the shocked look on her face. "She decided to keep me and ended up getting very ill. Her friend found me and took me in, training me to be able to survive the Underground. Then he left."

"I want to hug you and high five you so much right now." Lilly stated with a genuine smile, her hand grabbing his as they watched some ducks swim around the pond. "I never expected this from you. I only thought you were using me for sex."

"Tch, you make me sound like some asshole." Levi sent her an annoyed look which she replied with a smirk. "I, urgh, how do I say this."

"You like me and want to be more than sex buddies?" She answered for him. "You want to grow old with me and have loads of babies?"

"Yeah, something like that." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously before grabbing her chin and placing his lips on hers. The kiss grew heated as Levi hovered over her body, his hands moving up her legs.

"Wait." Lillian stopped him, quickly sitting up as she remembered something. "The cadets are about to come through this way for ODM gear training."

"Shit." Levi quickly began to pack up their picnic while Lilly folded the blanket.

"Come on, I have a lock on my office door." She grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the medical ward, successfully avoiding people.

"You're crazy." He smiled to himself before quickly going back to a stoic face. Levi dumped down the basket and picked up the doctor by her thighs, her arms going around his neck for support. They quickly connected their lips and he placed her on the edge of her desk. His mouth travelled down her neck, sucking on her sweet spot.

"Levi." She moaned, grabbing his face so he could look at her. "I like you too."

"Took you long enough." He grumbled, ripping her shirt open, buttons flying across the room.

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑬𝑵𝑫 𝑾𝑰𝑳𝑳 𝑩𝑬 𝑰𝑹𝑶𝑵𝑰𝑪 - Levi Ackerman [1]Where stories live. Discover now