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"I always did like the rain." Lillian sighed delightedly, wrapping her shawl tighter around her shoulders.

"You're going to get sick if you stand out for too long." Levi clicked his tongue and dumped his jacket over her head.

"We need to talk." She said quietly, turning around to face her husband while pulling the jacket away from her face. "I know why I've been ill, I went to a doctors."

"You are a doctor." He mocked, folding his arms when he saw the serious look on her face.

"I don't specialise in this area." The doctor took in a deep breath, preparing herself mentally. "I'm pregnant."

"I thought it was impossible." Surprise took over his face as he slowly stepped closer to her, grabbing her shoulders. "We were told it was impossible."

"We were told it was a very slim chance." Lilly nodded, smiling through the tears.

"I'm going to be a father." Levi finally embraced his wife, stroking her hair as she laughed happily in his shoulder. "Thank you."

"You're going to be an amazing father." She grinned, kissing him passionately as they celebrated the news. The rain began to soak through their clothes, people around staring with curiosity.

"Oi! You're in public!" Hanje yelled, laughing at the pair as they pulled apart. "I expected this from Levi but not you, Lilly. You're supposed to be the innocent and mature one."

"We had good intentions." Lillian chuckled, placing a light kiss on Levi's cheek and following Hanje to the meeting room.

"Finally making me a Godmother?" The brunette joked but stopped in her step when she saw the doctor nod. "Really?"

"Yes, you're going to be a Godmother." Lilly embraced the woman and looked to see Levi watching with a small smile still on his lips. "I'm trying to keep it on the quiet though, which means no telling my brother."

"Aye, aye, Captain." Hanje saluted the doctor before the three of them made their way to the room, everyone waiting for them.

"What is it, Section Commander?" A soldier questioned when he saw the woman scrunch her brows while reading some paperwork.

"Oh, well, I was finally able to get my hands on the background report for Annie Leonhart." Hanje informed everyone, causing a few to stop what they were doing. Lillian and Levi stayed quiet, leaning against an opposite wall and listening. "Its taken so long to get it because managing these reports is such a mess right now. According to this, there were two others belonging to the 104th Cadet Corps who came from the same area as her. And those two are Reiner Braun and Berthold Hoover. Thanks to the chaos five years ago, pretty much all of their family records are spotty or missing. However, during the long-range scouting formation, their unit was given false information. They were among those purposely told that Eren was in the right wing."

"The Female Titan attacked from the right wing!" Armin said with realisation.

"Huh? What does that mean?" A cadet, Lilly had learned was called Sasha, gasped and stared at Armin with surprise.

"That it's possible they passed on that information to Annie." The blonde boy explained to her.

"Why? Why would they tell Annie?" Sasha stated with denial, not wanting to believe what Armin was saying.

"Hey, hold on a minute, Armin." Eren cut the boy off. "You can't just-"

"I know that, Eren." Hanje interrupted, bringing the attention back to her. "By itself, that's not enough to prove anything. So just in case, I'd like to hear from you how these three interacted during training. Know anything?"

"I knew Reiner and Berthold were from the same place, but they didn't seem close to Annie." Armin remembered his time back as a trainee.

"I agree." Eren added. "I don't recall ever seeing the pair talking to Annie that much. Well, Annie didn't talk much in the first place."

"When we ate, Annie would always sit alone and munch on food by herself." Sasha mumbled quietly to herself before jumping up. "Oh! I've got something! I heard a rumour she liked sweets, even though she looks grouchy."

"Looks like I should bake the comatose girl my special cake." Lilly chuckled quietly to herself, only loud enough so Levi could hear her. "It always makes your grouchy ass happy."

"I don't remember." Mikasa slowly stated.

"As their comrade, I'd find it hard to believe." Eren gulped with thought, trying to remember everything. "Set aside Berthold, who doesn't say much. Reiner is like everyones big brother, and he's not devious enough to deceive all of us."

"I agree." The blonde boy continued. "Reiner gave everything he had fighting the Female Titan with me. He would have gotten crushed in her hand if he hadn't-"

"What's wrong?" Eren asked when he noticed his friend cut himself off.

"Reiner managed to escape, but Annie suddenly changed her course and ran in the direction of Eren." Everyone went quiet as they thought about what the blonde boy had said. It was all beginning to make sense. "I did mention that Eren might be at the rear of the centre rank. But Annie was too far away to hear."

"Did Reiner seem overly interested in Eren's location?" Hanje questioned, scratching her chin as she went deep into thought.

"It can't be, I only started talking about Eren's position because Reiner was the one who asked about it first. Furthermore, when that happened, the Female Titan was staring at her palm. He might have written a message with his blades in her hand. Reiner could've..." The room went still after the boy had trailed off from his line of thoughts.

"What the hell?" Eren spat, breaking the silence. "Why are you saying things like this? You should-"

"Eren!" Hanje shouted at the boy. "No, everyone, listen up! Supposing that we find Reiner or Berthold, act in such a way as to not reveal any suspicions. Of course, do not make any mention of Annie Leonhart either. Regardless if they're Annie's accomplices or not, we need to lead them deep underground to confine them. Does everyone understand?"

"How many more Titan Shifters are there?" Levi grumbled to his wife, looking down at her as she poured her lips.

"I mean it wouldn't surprise me if you were one, you already have a Titan in your pants." Lillian smirked, looking up through her eyelashes to watch him as he squirmed.


𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑬𝑵𝑫 𝑾𝑰𝑳𝑳 𝑩𝑬 𝑰𝑹𝑶𝑵𝑰𝑪 - Levi Ackerman [1]Where stories live. Discover now