twenty two

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It had been a few weeks since Lillian had accompanied a few Scout to the Underground and she had rarely seen much of the three thugs except the leader injuring himself. She made her way to their dorm as she knew he had skipped coming to see her about his injury.

"Hello?" Lillian knocked on their door and let herself in when she heard a short reply. "I'm looking for Levi?"

"I'm here." The man she had been looking for stood up from a bed and walked forwards past his two friends.

"You were supposed to come to me about your head." She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest when she saw he had removed the bandage himself. "I'm a doctor and you're just some soldier with no medical training."

"It's fine." Lilly stepped forwards and forced the man to his knees, shocking everyone at her strength. She pushed his hair out the way and looked at the wound, making sure it had properly healed.

"You're lucky I'm nice." She chuckled, moving back so he could stand up.

"You scare me." The red headed girl announced, the men staring at her shocked. "You seem so innocent then you go and threaten peoples genitals."

"I know." Lillian laughed, patting the girls back. "I was taught that self defence is key since I'm only a doctor."

"That's so cool! Could you teach me some medical skill?" Isabel asked with puppy dog eyes. "I want to be able to help people too."

"I will happily teach you." Lilly smiled and glanced at the two men who were watching the women strangely. "But could you teach me combat skills? I know how to fight but it's not good enough."

"Bro can teach you! He is the best." The younger girl pointed at the stoic man. "Please Big Bro!"


"Really?" Lillian stated excitedly. "Great, meet me by the pond tonight after dinner. I'll see you all later."

"Bye, Lillian!"


Lillian smiled to herself as she thought about Isabel and Farlan. It was no lie that she missed the pair of thugs. They may have started off with a rocky relationship but after Levi started training her, she became close with the man and his two comrades.

"Hey, Hanje?" Lillian turned to the brunette woman, as they walked through the side streets. "Are you ever going to get married?"

"Where did that come from?" Hanje laughed, shooting the woman a confused look.

"I dunno, just bored." The blonde woman shrugged, pursing her lips as they avoided a large crowd of people. As the sun began to set, the three Scouts headed back to their housing, dealing with the Military Police Commander briefly before the man left.

"Finally, the nuisance is gone." Hanje said as a snide remark, her and Molbit watching the man from the window before she burst into Erwins room. "Erwin, big trouble! The situation got worse! There's two things! The first is that Eren and Historia were abducted! Three of my team were killed, too. I'm planning to meet up with Levi to see if we can hunt down their location."

"And? The other?" Erwin said calmly, gesturing for his sister to take a seat at the table.

"Eren remembered a conversation between Ymir and Bertholdt, but...shit, if this is true." Hanje pulled out a piece of paper. "My heads gonna explode!"

"I'm starting to see why she is not married." Lillian mumbled to herself as she watched the older woman have a mental breakdown.

"What's the problem?" The Commander questioned, passing the woman a cup of water.

"If we don't rescue him quick, Eren will get eaten!" The brunette woman stated after taking a large gulp of water.

"My Godson is going to be eaten!" Lilly shouted, standing up quickly in panic. "I'm the worst Godmother ever! I didn't sign up for this, a Titan shifting, about to be eaten, humanity's final hope. Why am I always pregnant when I need alcohol the most."

"Lilly!" Erwin grabbed his sisters shoulder to calm her from her rambling, her pacing making everyone dizzy. "He will be fine, you are fine, everything is fine. So please go sit back down."

"All right, I'm sitting." She breathed out as she sat back in her chair, listening to Erwin inform Hanje of their new plan.

"Come on, let's go find your husband." Hanje linked arms with the doctor and dragged her to their horses.

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑬𝑵𝑫 𝑾𝑰𝑳𝑳 𝑩𝑬 𝑰𝑹𝑶𝑵𝑰𝑪 - Levi Ackerman [1]Where stories live. Discover now