𝙊𝙤𝙪 𝙮'𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙮 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙮

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I cannot explain these things I feel for you But girl, you know it's true, Stay with me, fulfill my dreams. And I'll be all you'll need

We all took a place on my large L shaped couch. The couples sat together while the others filled in. "Alright so Disney+ or Netflix" I asked the group. "You must not know how childish we are" Naomi laughed. "Disney+ is it, tell me when to stop" I clicked disney+ and scrolled through the movies. "STOP" aniyah yelled. We stoped on monsters inc. "absolutely not" maggie protested. "Aww Cmon cuz! You know for a fact that I know every word to this movie" aniyah argued. "Fine but please don't quote every scene like u do at aunties house" she requested. I clicked play on the movie.

"I'll get the snacks." I got up. "I'll help" Naomi whispered and followed me to the kitchen. "I need you help" she alerted me as she poured the vegan popcorn in the yellow tin. "With what?" I questioned and put the regular popcorn in the clean tin. "I wanna make a move with Maggie" she blushed. "OH MY GOD" I yelled and slammed my hand against my mouth. "Shhh!" Ricky yelled in hush tones.

"Oh my god!" I mouthed this time. "Well what do you want me to do" I was overly excited. "Well I actually never got that far but maybe after the movies we play games and ya know" she hinted. "Huh? Oh...oh!" I realized what she wanted. I giggled and agreed. We grabbed the popcorn and the drinks and sat them on my coffee table. "The yellow tin is vegan Lina" I whispered at her. "Thank you"

I sat back down beneath felissa, snuggling closer to her chest. Don't judge me. It's cold. "Oh I almost forgot! Nicole if u reach behind You in the chest there is blankets" I told her quietly. She did as I instructed and handed out the blankets. I took notice of Naomi and Maggie sharing one. They're adorable.

Felissa wrapped the cover around the both of us and laid her chin on my head. "I'm watching you, wazowski" aniyah mocked the movie causing us to laugh. We watch monster university after this than it was my turn to pick.

"Lemonade mouth!" I chose. " yea nope" Sada protested. "Cmon say! It's such a good move!" I tried to reason with her. "Iris, you just wanna sing the songs" she admitted. "What no! This is a great movie for us, ya know a group of friends with a talent." I adverted. "So u don't wanna sing the songs" she taunted me. "Uhh DUH! Have u heard somebody? Or she's so gone? Cmon now don't cha wish you were us?" I was hurt. "Fine iris." She caved. I clicked the movie and giggled. I was geeked about this movie.

I won't lie...I sung every song. "I actually enjoyed that" Nicole admitted. "Besides the subtle pop up shows from our singer here" Ricky threw some shade. "Bitch you wanna go?" I threatened. "bet bitch lets go, later" we laughed. "We should do something, like old times." Felissa suggested. "First game we played played" I hinted. "Seven minutes" Angie recalled.

"We shall forget the uhh incident that occurred in that game and start fresh" I said. "Wait what happened" I forgot maggie wasn't there. "Yep whos first" I changed the subject and spinned. "Okay so who ever it lands on the first and second time goes in the closet by the door." I told them and spinned the bottle. It landed on felissa. I spinned again with my eyes closed. "Ooou second try" Kaye joked. Felissa and I went to the closet.

"Remember the last time we were like this" she asked me and turned the light on . "Mhm I asked you who you were referring to and you said" "ion know but I got my eyes on her then you said 'no you don't, you're looking at me" we replayed. " I deadass didn't register what you meant until you said 'That's because I got my eyes on you iris, I like you' and because I'm stupid I said-" "I like me too" we chuckled.

"There's one thing I wanna repeat." She said. Her breath was heavy. "Which part? The Naomi walking in or the funny jokes?" I asked genuinely. "The part where I asked you if I could kiss you." I swear her whole voice switched. "Oh- oh that yep mhm u asked that yep I remember that question uh huh yessir" I nodded my anxiety away. "Iris" she called my name. "Yes bubba" "can I kiss you" she asked me sweetly. My eyes widened then closed in embarrassment. I looked back at her and nodded slowly.

She put her hands on my waist and studied my lips. She pulled me closer without breaking her glare. I put my hands in her hair and broke the suspense. She was taking too damn long so I kissed her. It felt even better than the first time.

Before I could go inside she turned me around until we were face to face. "I'm disappointed we couldn't finish what he started" she groaned. "Aww did we start a puzzle?! I hate when I don't finish those things" I said annoyed at the fact that I apparently started a puzzle I didn't finish.

"No honey I'm talking about the kiss" she chimed. "Oh- ooh right that...I mean you ugh you can Umm do it" I gulped. When she gets close like this I get shy...I don't get shy. Her eyes panned from mine to my lips. She moved her hand to my cheek before putting our lips together. Breathing wasn't an option. I didn't want to make any move. I thought if I were to move she'd stop and that was the last thing I wanted.

After a little bit she pulled away. "Goodnight eve" she said and started walking away. "Wait eve?" I questioned the nickname. She giggled. "Kai told me ur middle name, Iris evengaline. It's actually really pretty." She continued to walk away. "NIGHT FELIZ" I yelled back before she got too far.


"That was better than the puzzle" I wheezed when we parted. "You're such a crackhead" she kissed my forehead and brought me into a hug. i haven't really been hugged in awhile. They've all been quick greeting hugs. Not like this one. This hug is filled with love, haven't had one of those recently. I missed them. "Okay okay let me go before I cry" I let my arms fall to my side while she kept hers where they were. "I want to hug my baby, so ima do that." She claimed and hugged me tighter. "You're such a softie" I mumbled.

Someone knocked on the door. "We've learned not to just open the door with you two so we are knocking" Kai said from the other side. We opened it. "Alright their clothes look the same! Felissa's hair is a little messy so I'm guessing they made out!" He yelled to the others. "Congratulations dickhead" I thumped his forehead and led felissa back to our seats. "Let's go one more time" Nicole requested. Felissa took the bottle and spun it, landing on maggie. She spun again and landed on Naomi. "YES NAGGIE!" I clapped. "Naggie?" Ricky asked. "You can't judge my ship names, Issa" I chimed. "Alright but cam said 'feris'" he added. "Do not bring me into this when Naomi said they were the best ship since the titanic" we all laughed. "I- ima go since y'all bringing up old shit" she giggled and took Maggie's hand and led her to the closet. "When they get out I shall call them gay" I announced. "You have to be addicted to crack!" Kai said bugging my shoulder. "Meh fries taste better"

The seven minutes where way passed up. "Oou lemme get them" I begged. It didn't matter what they would say I was already at the door. "HURRY! GET OUT THE KITCHENS ON FIRE! HURRY!" I banged on the door. It swung open to show their clothes on the same but their hair was messy and I think they had purple kisses. "Ooou y'all freaky freaky" I ranted with my hand on my hip. "You're such an ass" maggie said. "The fatest" I turned around and threw it back for a real one.

We all sat and talked till I checked the time. "Sorry to burst our bubble but we gotta clean up before my mom gets back" I announced. We all started to clean, well we made things worse then we cleaned. Everyone besides Kai, Nicole, and Felissa left.

"Cmon bubba I want cuddles!" I drug her upstairs. "We legit just cuddled for hours downstairs" she revealed. "So you don't wanna cuddle? That's fine" I turned my back to her and crossed my arms. "No cuddles? Then no kisses, no hugs, and you can't have the hoodie back" I bargained. "Baby you weren't gonna give it back anyway" she wrapped her arm around my neck from the back. I turned without moving her arms. "Gimme kiss and I will accept your apology" I puckered. "Apology for what?" She replied. "For wasting precious cuddle time" I pouted. She smiled and gave me a kiss.

"YAY CUWWLE TIME WIT BUBBA" I yelled and pushed her on the bed while i plopped next to her. "I love you so much" she said through her laughs. "I love you more" I countered. We spent the night eating, cuddling, and arguing about who loves who more.

Best night ever.

𝙉𝙤 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙣 ✰ 𝙛𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙖 𝘼𝙨𝙝𝙡𝙚𝙮 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now