𝘼𝙮 𝙦𝙪𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙤

270 3 16

         ♡ ♥ Thinking is all wrong
       Love will happen when it wants
  I know it hurts sometimes, but don't let it go ♥

"Felissa" I groaned. It was 5 am and the damn alarm was blaring. "Felissaaa! Turn it off" I whined. The phone was on her side of the bed and she was out cold. I rolled my eyes. I could get out of the bed cuz she's just pull me back. "She can wake up when I get up but it when I call her...that's the bullshit I be talkin bout" I thought.

I wiggled to loosen her grip on my waist. Then I crossed my torso over hers to reach her phone. As soon as I clicked off she moved. I stayed still so I wouldn't wake her. It looked like she went back to sleep but instead she snaked both her arms around me and pulled me to her chest.

"She will be the death of me...100%" wondered. "Baby, I gotta get up" I grunted. "Mmhmm later" her voice was so tired. "If you don't let me up then you get no more cuddles" I wagered. Her eyes opened and she didn't look very pleased. "That's not very nice" she pouted. "Aww I'm sorry, but I have to get ready" I gave her a quick peck before grabbing some clothes and going into the bathroom.

I was connecting my phone to the speaker when she yelled something through the door. "I'm going to go get ready for our flight later on" she yelled. I told her it was fine and I heard the door open then close.

I turned on honesty by Pink Sweat$ and took a shower. Once I finished I moisturized my body and completed my morning routine. I put curl defining products in my hair a spilt it in the middle and combed it out.

While that sat I put on a white shirt sleeve crop top with red print that said "anything you can do, I can do better", then I put in a firefly red pair of cargo pants. Cargo pants are an addiction for me. I put in red fishnet socks under my regular ones when I put on my white filas. I latched my red supreme fanny pack around my hips and put in my earrings with a chain and safety pin on them. After that I reached in my bag to pull out the red SnapBack felissa left at rehearsal a few days back. I meant to give it back but I think it would be cute if I wore it. I put it on backwards and applied a new coat of lipgloss.

I grabbed all of my things and put them back where they were when I flew here in the first place. It was 6:20 and I was ten minutes early from when I was supposed to meet Kai and every one at the entrance to the hotel.

I double checked everything then headed out of the room. I took the elevator since my stuff was mad heavy. Once I made it to the lobby I set my things down by the door and sat in the chair closets to the window for some light. I was scrolling through instagram when a figure blocked the sunlight.

Correction: a small figure. Angie. "Is that felissa's hat? Oh and this outfit is amazing!" She geeked. "How'd you know it was hers?" I was genuinely confused. She laughed. "It says 'F.A' on the strap." She pointed out. "Oh damn" I shrugged it off then she sat next to me.

"When is your flight" I asked her. "Our flight leaves at 10. I'm flying with Maggie, aniyah, kaitlin, and Ricky. So we plan on driving to the airport and just chilling with you and kai until y'all leave. Then I guess we are gonna hang there for three hours." She claimed. "What about the others" I questioned.

"Sada, Camille, Nicole, felissa, and Naomi leave at 12. So I don't think they'll come to the airport with us." She admitted. I nodded. The time was 6:30 and Kai came along with everyone else.

"Cam cam" I pouted once I saw her.

"Ri baby" she whined. We hugged. I know I was going to see her at least tomorrow but I was going to miss her till then. "Text me when you do anything okay" she bossed. "Yes ma'am" we hugged one last time before I had to say 'see you later' to everyone else.

Everyone wished Kai and I a safe flight and hoped to see us either later on or tomorrow. Then I got to felissa. "Bubba"I taunted. "Uh uh we aren't saying 'see ya' until you have to board. I'm coming to the airport with you" she stated. "after I leave Angie and her group will only be there for three hours...your flight is two hours after that." I advised.

"By the time Nicole and everyone leave my group will already be at the airport, I'll be fine" she reassured me. I smiled and grabbed her hand. Kai, felissa, angie's group, and I took a shuttle to the airport.

Once we went through security we found a Starbucks. "What do you guys want" I asked. (That's a lot of orders so uhh no). After I got their orders Ricky came with me since I can't remember shit.

"Hello, welcome to Starbucks what can I get you" he said directing his comment to me. "I would like a vanilla bean frap with no foam and two pumps vanilla and one pump hazel. Oh and -cue all five other orders- please." I finished with a innocent smile. I guess he took it the wrong way because he winked at me. After we payed it took maybe 10- 15 minutes to get all of the drinks correctly.

When he gave me my drink there was a piece of paper stuck on it. "You are really hot, HMU sum time" it said. I tried to hold in my disgust but I had a better idea. I smiled at him. "Hey babe can you come hold this please" I yelled over to our friend group. Felissa came and wrapped her arm around my waist and held the cup holder in her other. I kissed her cheek. "Thanks bubba" I flirted. "No problem baby" she said eying the cashier before turning me around so we could give out the drinks.

We left Starbucks and sat in the waiting area closes to all of our gates. We talked about future plans and goals. "Flight 17 to San Francisco is boarding" a female voice said over the intercom.

Kai and I gathered our carry ons and said our 'see you laters'. I hugged each and every one of them before walking in line to board. Once we gave our tickets we found our seats. I was by the window and Kai had the outside, the middle seat was empty. I texted cam that we are on the plane and I'll text her when we land.

We fastened our seat belts and I put in my headphones and clicked shuffle on my lowkey playlist. I moved the arm rest between mine and the middle seat so I can put my legs there. It was highly uncomfortable. Kai saw and moved my legs on his.

"Go to sleep RiRi I can tell you didn't get enough last night and listening to you bitch is not how I wanna spend this ride" he ordered. I flipped him off but thanked him. I propped a pillow behind my head and slowly fell asleep.

"Get up, iris get up, wake tf up" Kai said shaking my legs. We had landed seven hours later. It was 1:30. Angie's group would land around five and felissa's would land close to seven. Kai and I grabbed our things and headed straight for baggage claim.

Once we got our bags we started looking for my mom, Maria. "PRINCESSA" she yelled. I turned and saw her waving. "MADRE" I replied and ran to my mom. She was my biggest supporter. "Ay que lindo! i knew you'd show up" she said addressing Kai. "Couldn't leave RiRi hanging tia Maria" they laughed.

We got into the car. "Alright so who's your new novia" she questioned me. "Her name is felissa, she lives in the bay. She's a dancer like we are. We met when I was being me and dancing on the side walks. It turned out she was apart of NextKidz so we spent a lot of time together." I blushed. "Aww my corazon" she clutched her heart. "Okay but I know you have a girlfriend aswell" she asked Kai. "We aren't offical yet but she's with NextKidz too. Her name is Nicole. She's so goofy that it's adorable."he was highkey fan-girling.

As soon as we got to our house I walked to my room and Kai went to the guess room that was practically his. We both went fast to sleep. At least until I got a phone call.

𝙉𝙤 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙣 ✰ 𝙛𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙖 𝘼𝙨𝙝𝙡𝙚𝙮 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now