Chapter Sixty Six

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"So you whack him with a book? A book?"

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"So you whack him with a book? A book?"

"I'm sorry. Would you've rather I gone for the candlestick?"

 Would you've rather I gone for the candlestick?"

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Three Hours Remaining.
Stood across the street in an empty house for sale the four of us have been watching her across the street for at least an hour. From what I see the home is occupied by a family. A father, mother, and a child who just snapped the neck of her grandpa. "It's the little girl", I easily identify observing the mother tremble handing her possessed child another slice of chocolate cake "Lilith's playing host in the little girl."

"Yeah", Dean agrees beside me, pulling back the drape with a look of disdain "Her face is awful."

"Alright then", Sam glides behind me towards the door "Let's go. We're wasting time."

Yet Dean is quicker. Swiftly catching Sam's arm, Dean spins him back around "Wait."

"Wait for what?" Sam juts his hand impatiently out the window towards the street "For it to kill the rest of them?"

"And us too if we're not careful", I thoughtfully point out to Sam "It's like Dean said yesterday. We go in smart or we don't go in at all."

Turning back to the window, Dean directs our attention "See the mailman on the clock at 9pm?" Squinting through the dark I take note of the mailman sifting through the mail in the back of his government truck. It would've been completely normal if you push aside the fact it's nine o'clock in the night. If that wouldn't prove his point enough Dean adds gesturing towards the neighbor's house "And Mr. Rogers over there."

Watching the old white-haired man smoking a pipe and reading a book, I understand "Demon's?"


"Okay fine. We- we- we- we-"

Rolling my eyes, I encourage "Sometime within the next few hours would be constructive Sam."

Despite the dirty look I receive, Sam stressfully grasps "We- We ninja past those guys- sneak in-"

"Then what?" I dismiss Sam's stupid plan "Give a Columbian Necktie to a ten-year-old girl? Come on!"

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