Chapter Twenty Five

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I've had eyes on her all night

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I've had eyes on her all night. Madison's not come out once."

"Why don't you tell that to the wall she slammed me into. Awesome job keeping an eye on her Sam- Real top-notch job!"

 Awesome job keeping an eye on her Sam- Real top-notch job!"

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Pausing mid slurp, I peer over to Dean who's watching me with a pleading stare. "Nope", I flip my silver dagger to point the sharp end towards Dean "I sat in a strip club for seven hours for you. I earned this."

Slamming the mag of silver back inside his gun, Dean presses his lips into a line and shrugs "I'll admit I expected you to check out after three."

A lazy smile curling onto my lips, I wiggle the contents of my vanilla shake "Because I really wanted this." Chuckling Dean returns his gaze to Kurt's balcony. The grip on his gun Dean readjusts his posture against the wall of the ally we've lurked in for forty minutes. In a moment of weakness that I cannot explain I roll my eyes and outstretch my shake to Dean. Seeing his green eyes uncertainly flicker between the drink and myself I shake the contents suggestively "Take it before I change my mind."

Taking the rather large cup from me I leave Dean to have it and return my gaze to the balcony window of Kurt's apartment. We'd tailed him back to his place when he'd finally decided to abandon Club X. So far nothing's occurred to give us hard proof that the werewolf's Kurt. No hearts and no wolfing out. Hearing nothing further from Sam I'm assuming things have gone well for him; if there was a development he would've called either of us. Instead, we've received absolute radio silence. I can't figure out if it's something I'm glad about or if I'd rather some nail-biting werewolf action to be thrown my way.

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