Chapter Forty

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"You want to trust the Demon then fine

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"You want to trust the Demon then fine. I trust you know what you're doing but Dean? Yeah I'm not getting involved in that shitshow."


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"Okay. I need you to not yell at me."

"Why're you beginning this conversation like this?"

"Because you're going to flip out and I really want you to just listen to what I have to say."

Staring at Sam's pleading eyes I hesitantly nodded. Wringing his hands together Sam's pacing begins to put me on edge. When Sam continues pacing the room I feel myself growing anxious by the second. With Dean out on a food run before we take off tonight it's just been us- Sam calling me back when I'd walked halfway across the parking lot to help Dean. So watching Sam burn a hole into the carpet with his pacing I can't help but wonder what's got him acting this far strung. Finally pausing Sam stops the center of the two beds and looks to me. When he remains silent, I wave my hand around encouragingly "Sometime before I'm twenty-five please."

Rolling his eyes Sam tells me "I've been calling around about my mother's friends and they're all dead. Her doctor, her uncle- anyone who even knew her." With a wave of his hand, Sam shrugs "Wiped right off the map- heart attacks, animal attacks, falling downstairs."

Understanding where Sam's going with this I wonder "You think someone's trying to wipe them all off the map?"

"I think Yellow Eyes was trying to cover up something and it had to do with me", Sam agrees with an adamant nod of his head "Absolutely."

Pursing my lips, I stare intriguingly at Sam for a long minute before questioning "Where did all of this come from?" Rolling his shoulder I feel myself take an intimidating step closer when Sam unbudgingly folds his arms defensively over his chest. One person nagging at the back of my brain, I press "Sam."

"What is this?" Sam tries to brazenly shrug off my eyes "An interrogation?"

"Sam answer the question."

He doesn't last much longer before giving up "Ruby."

"Ruby", I nod along, suppressing the urge to yell at Sam when I ask "Why didn't you call me? That was our deal."

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