Chapter Sixty Four

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"You really think Ruby's going to show up here versus the rest of the basement?"

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"You really think Ruby's going to show up here versus the rest of the basement?"

"No. But we can always nudge her. Hard."

Thirty Hours Remaining

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Thirty Hours Remaining.
"Saddle up broncos I found us our Greater Demon tracking device!" I chirp stepping through the doorway. Wandering over to the boys sat around the old dining table within the abandoned cabin, I complain "And let's all be clear if I need something from that vault I'm sending one of you idiots. Combing five miles of swampland is a job for Steve Irwin- not me."

"A swamp?" Dean astounded runs his hand over his amused grin, leaning back in the wooden chair "You hid priceless artifacts- one of a kind objects- in a vault within a Florida swamp?"

Staring down at him, I unzip the bag after a second "Bobby raised me. I'm a little paranoid. Sue me."

"Isn't that illegal?" Sam questions as I unfold a map of America I conveniently found at a drug store "Burying things... out there?"

"Sam", I scoff with a roll of my eyes "You really wanna talk about illegal?" Averting his gaze I hum flattening the map on the table "That's what I thought."

When I pull the tri-pendulum out, Dean questions "You went to Florida for a camera stand and a pointy pendant?" When I pause my actions to send him a disapproving look, Dean sits a little straighter "Or I can just shut up."

"Lilith is vastly known amongst almost every single religion across the planet. From the ancient Egyptians, Israelites, Greeks, and Hittites yet her earliest account lies with dark Babylonian Demonology. More modernly she's known to be Adam's first wife- and a dreadful one at that", I explain to both Sam and Dean "Assuming she's as powerful as what I've read I'm going to presume that's why our tracking spells haven't exactly been working out."

"So this should find her?" Sam curiously questions me, leaning over the old device to inquisitively gaze over the symbols carved into the wood "Down to the town?"

Nodding my head I unfold the chant Bobby hunted down on the phone for me, "That's the idea." Placing down the page I face the palms up of my hands. Asking for Sam to give the pendant a push I watch it swirl around as I chant "Deorum maiorum atque in alveo ut daemonium me Lamia. Deorum maiorum atque in alveo ut daemonium me Lamia." Continuing to chant the Latin over and over again the three of us gaze as the pendant swirls around... and around... and around. It spins for a few moments before the swirl suddenly stops over her location. Smugly, I mutter "And we have a winner. New Harmony, Indiana."

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