Chapter Twenty Eight

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 "Are we having fun yet huh?"

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"Are we having fun yet huh?"

 "Are we having fun yet huh?"

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Stood in the motel parking lot I wait patiently for my ride

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Stood in the motel parking lot I wait patiently for my ride. I got a call an hour ago from Sam claiming they finished the Hollywood haunting just in time to meet me in Montana. Apparently some loose necromancy lingo was snuck into the scripts for the cast to be conjuring all sorts of ghosts. Honestly a part of me was disappointed I didn't get to work on the case with them. I mean- not to be morbid- but I've always loved the necromancy cases. That kind of black magic involved with death and resurrection leads you to meet all kinds of freaky weirdos. Instead for the past twenty-four hours I got to have fun moving my storage unit of dangerous artefacts to another facility considering Conroe's Storage is now compromised for me. The process took longer then initially expected considering I was on the phone with a rather pissed off Bobby. Since he's the only other that knows where every unit is I was obligated to inform him he'd been three seconds away from having a bullet whizz through his brain. Bobby's exact words were 'you're a frickin idjit for lettin that dang Demon getaway- that knife was protected in there for a reason'.

Bobby wasn't happy with me.

Hearing the familiar revv of the Impala engine I peer up and watch the sleek black Impala swerve widely into the motel lot. Hoisting the bag further over my shoulder I smile widely at the Winchester's who seem just as happy to see me. Rolling to a stop before me, Sam's out and tackling me in a hug before Dean even shuts off the engine. Swung around like a flour sack, Sam beams "Here's my sanity!"

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