Chapter 26: Make-up's & Surprises

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Falling in Love with Hollywood's Golden Boy

Chapter 26: Make-up’s & Surprises


Drew's POV

Today, I woke up so tired from the autograph signing yesterday but I today I had a photo-shoot with Burberry, so I was super excited. I mean, come on; it's Burberry we're talking about here! Who wouldn't be excited to be in Burberry's magazine?

So I lazily go out of my bed, hopped into the shower and put on some sweats. 

I went downstairs to make a toasted bagel until my two dogs came and started jumping on me.

"Hey Dodger, hey Fitz, you guys hungry?" I asked then while rubbing their heads.

And they both barked.

I'll take that as a yes.

So I went into my garage; got out the giant bag of food and brought it back into my house. I fed Dodger and Fitz; put some water in their bowl before making my toasted bagel.

I buttered my toasted bagel and grabbed my keys.

"Alright guys please don't make a mess." I said and walked out of the door and drove off the the photo-shoot set.


Before I got out of my car, I decided to text Maddie and just talk to her.

'Hey' ~ Drew

Now since we both have iPhone's she usually would respond right away, but she didn't. I frowned but the thought that she was avoiding me but then I realized it's Thursday and she's probably in school right now.

But then again, she always texted me during school too though.

Was she mad at me for some reason? I hope not because I don't really think I did anything wrong.

So I just shook it off, got out of my car and walked to everybody.


Maddie's POV 

"Hey, what's wrong?" Rachel asks me.

"Nothing" I lied.

"You can't pull that shit off on me, Maddie." She crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows..

"Nothing, it's just that, today's Valentine’s Day." I said.

"And...? You're point? Isn't Drew taking you out or something?" She asked me.

"No! That's the thing i don't know. And I know we've been only dating for two weeks now but we've known each other long that that, but he hasn't mentioned anything." I frowned.

"Maybe he's surprising you." She said.

"Maybe, but he texted me 'hey' this morning and not a 'Happy Valentine's Day, Maddie.." I said,

"Well nobody really does that, girl. They usually say that when they're actually with the person." She persuaded.

"Okay... But yesterday when Natalie and I went to the mall, Drew was having an autograph signing. Then Natalie, being Natalie, dragged me to him. He was shocked to say the least but we talked for a while while h was talking and signing." I said.

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