Chapter 21: Trying New Things

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Chapter 21: Trying New Things

Maddie's POV

"D-d-dancing?" I asked

"Did I sutter?" He smiled.

"Hell no. I'm not dancing." I said.

"Why not?" He yelled through the loud music.

"Because I'm not dancing in front of all these people." I explained.

"Why not?" He asked again. "You've performed in front a huge crowd before have't you?" He asked.


"No buts, Maddie. And why would it matter if you performed in front of everyone here for one night? Huh? You don't know them; they don't know you so it's not going to matter afterwards anyways." He said.

Well........ He did sort of have a point but I still wasn't going to be dancing at a dance club where there are drunk and horny guys all around this room.

"I don't care... and plus; I'm not dress for it anyways!" I defended.

"Come here he said and then grabbed my wrist without my consent and pulled up a staircase and into a dressing room.

What the heck is this?

"That's why we have spare clothes in the back." He smirked.

"Dammit" I swore under my breathe.

"So go back there and find a hip-hop outfit on and meet me back out right here." He side and let go of me.

I rolled my eyes. "What don't you get when I said; I. Am. Not. Dancing." I spoke.

He rolled his eyes and then quickly bent down to kiss me.

No! He was doing this on purpose! So I purposly pushed hi back not letting him take control of my mind.

He smirked at me and I tried as hard as I could not to smile back but I did. I couldn't help it! His smirk was so adorable and irresistable. But I still wasn't doing it.

"No!' I snapped.


""No" I said.

"Pleeaaassseee?" He begged.

"I said no!" I exclaimed.

"Preetttty please with a cherry on top?" He pleaded.

I rolled my eyes. Arggg!! Why did he have to be so darn cute?

"Only if you get down on your knees and beg." I said,

"Seriously?" He asked; disbeleivingly.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" I asked; seriously.

He shook his no and the went down on his knees.

"Maddie, will you pretty please dance with me?" He asked.

"More like, 'Oh the wonderful, great, amazing, Maddie; will you please do the honor of dancing with my vein, concieted self on that stage tonight?'" I smirked.

"Okay, woah; now you're pushing it." He riased an eyebrow.

I just shrugged.

"Ugh fine" He groanded. "Oh the wonderful, great, amazing, Maddie; will you pretty please do the honor of dancing with my vein, concieted self on that stage tonight?" He begged.

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