Chapter 50

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*a month later*

Okay. I need to calm down. I am getting married tomorrow!!

I have not seen Sam since that day Trevor preposed.

Trevor and i got all our stuff from Miami.

I will be staying at Andreas house for the night and be getting ready there. My dress is there already. My mom is coming tonight as well and will be staying at Andreas house as well.

I packed my bag and said good bye to Trevor and ran out to Rebeccas car that was outside. I got in. "Hey" i said. "Hey. Its your big day tomorrow!!" She said. "I know!" I said.

We got to her house and i walked in. "Okay honey your day tomorrow. You need to get a lot of beauty sleep!" Andrea said. Andrea is organising the whole thing. She said she wants to become a party planner. If she can pull this off. She can do anything.

I ran to the guest room and checked the time. 6:26. I ran back downstairs and into the kitchen. "Whats for dinner?" I asked. "Tacos" Jenn said. "Awesome!" I said.

"Right bed at 9:00 for you missy!!" Andrea said walking in. "What! 9!"
"Fine 9:30"
"Fine okay" i said huffing.
"Dont huff at me!!" She sassed. We both laughed. She straight away put on serious face and went back to talking on the phone.

I heard the door bell go. "Alison your mom is here!!" I heard. "Mom!!!" I shouted running to the door. I ran into a hug. "Oh my little girl is growing up!!" She said pinching my cheeks. "Mom!" I said moving her hands away.

"Food!!!" Jenn shouted. We all went i to the kitchen and sat down at the table. "Hello Mrs.Bick" jenn and andrea said. "Hello girls" she replied

We finished eating and i checked the time. 9:29. Urgh. "Alison. Bed" Andrea said. I nodded and went to the guest room. I changed into some comfortable clothes and flopped onto the bed. Seconds later i fell asleep.


I woke up from Andrea shouting my name. "Im up !" I said. Wow i had a good sleep last night. I looked at the time. "6 o'clock!" I shouted. "Yep!" Andrea shouted back from the corridor. I got into the shower. I got out and dried myself. I put on my undergarments and put a silk dressing gown on.

I walked into Andreas room where all my things were covering the room. The dress was hanging up. Make up all over the make up table. Hair stuff all over the place. All the girls were in there. They rushed me down. They did things to me. They pulled my hair. Sprayed every minute. Poking my eye out with an eyeliner pencil!!

After what felt like two hours they was done with my makeup and hair. I looked in the mirror. Wow!! "Wow thats amazing!!" I said. "Next. The dress!!" Andrea said. We all squealed.

I got into the dress and put on some nice white heals. I looked in the mirror. I was jaw dropped. I checked the time and it was 11:34. "Right we are gonna get ready. In the mean time Alison you do what ever. But do not ruin this masterpiece!" She said. They all ran out and i went to the guest room.

I was waiting down stairs when everyone came down. It was now 12:21. We all got into the limo. "I cant believe i am getting married." I kept taking deep breaths.

We finally got there and i got out last. Everyone ran in. Me and Andrea slowly walked to the church. We walked to the back. I was pacing back and forth. I have no dad to bring me up. Who has Andrea asked to walk me up the aisle? "Hey Alison" i heard behind me. I turned around and saw Austin. He was my old friend in kindergarden. We were soul mates.

I ran up to him and hugged him. " wow Austin you have changed!!" I said. "So do you" he said. "I have missed you" i said. " i have missed you too" he said. We let go. "Still cant believe you are here!" I said. He laughed. "Okay guys. Show time!" Andrea said to us. She turned around and ran to her spot in the church. Me and Austin linked arms. I looked at him. "You can do this" he said. I nodded. We got to the door way and the church was amazing.

There was a red carpet going down the aisle. White and pink flower bunches on the sides of the benches. I got handed some flowers. They were white flowers, pink flowers, yellow flowers and purple flowers.

My little baby cousin (who was two years old) walked in front of me dropping light blue flower petals. The music started playing and everyone stood up. Me and Austin started walking slowly. I looked to the ground. A lump appeared in my throat. Butterflies in my stomach. I could feel my face going pale.

I looked at everyone. That made me more nervous. They were all watching me. They all had nice smiles on. All eyes were on me. What if i fell over? Everyone would see that! What if i puke!! This could turn into a disaster.

I looked up at Trevor. Suddenly it was just me and him in the world. The lump and the butterflies disappeared. My face went back to normal. I was no longer nervous. It could turn out great.

Trevor looked so handsome. He had the biggest smile on his face. It made me smile. We finally got to the front and Austin handed my hand to Trevor. He took both of my hand and lifted the vale over my head. We stood facing each other.
The priest opened the bible.

"Trevor. Do you take Alison Rachel Bick to be your awful beloved wife?" The priest said.
"I do" he said.
"Alison. Do you take Trevor Moran to be your awful beloved husband?" The priest said.

Someone came in and stood at the back. I turned my head and saw who it was. Sam. He smiled at me. I smiled back. I looked back at trevor.



Continued in sequel...

Stuck In Between (o2l fanfic Trevor Moran  Sam Pottorff  Jc Caylen  Ricky Dillion  Kian Lawley )Where stories live. Discover now