Chapter thirteen

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Another chapter, yay, don't you just love me? ;D

Picture of Colt to the >>>>>>>>>>>



"Are you sure you're going to be alright?" Dimitri asked for what felt like the thousandth time and John gave him a irritated look.

"Yes, how many times do I have to tell you that before you start to believe me?" John asked sarcastically.

"A hundred more times," Dimitri joked and earned a glare from John, but it only made Dimitri's eyes dance with amusement and his lips to twitch into a small smile.

"Leave already," John commanded and began pushing Dimitri out the door.

"Alright, alright, I'm going, I'm going," Dimitri said with a warm laugh, making John's heart flutter with happiness.

It had been a while since he'd heard Dimitri sound so carefree and joyful, and it sent waves of relief through John because it meant that Dimitri was moving on, putting his past behind him. John had been worried that Dimitri wound drown himself in sorrow, but it seems like he was going to be alright.

However, John wasn't so sure if he can do that yet. It seems like his past has come back to haunt him and wasn't planning on leaving any time soon, much to John's displeasure.

"Goodbye Dimitri," John said with a small smile and held the door open for Dimitri.

Dimitri, feeling brave, leaned in and planted a kiss on John's cheek. "Goodbye, enjoy the rest of your night," Dimitri said and left, leaving John to stand there gaping after him, utterly dumbfounded.

It took a good while before John recovered from the initial shock of what Dimitri had done, but when he did he shut the door and stood there staring unseeingly at it, at a loss.

He reached up and caressed the area where Dimitri kissed him with the tips of his fingers, still feeling the tingling aftereffects. It sent shockwaves through him and made butterflies erupt in his stomach. For some reason what Dimitri had done made him feel both stupefied and something else that he could not identify just yet. All he knew was that he had liked it, and that he wanted more.

Dimitri, in the meantime, decided to head over to Royal and put in his resignation, just like he promised he would do for John.

For some reason, knowing that he was finally going to quit and be done with that place left Dimitri feeling as light as a feather, as if a weight was suddenly being lifted off his shoulders after so long. It was exhilarating and left Dimitri feeling like he was high.

Dimitri drove to Royal in high spirits, but that soon died down as something else crept in: Thoughts of Oliver.

Dimitri didn't like that boy one bit, knew there was something seriously wrong with him, be it his personality, or his mind.

For some reason the boy had searched for John, wanting something from him from the looks of it, but for the life of Dimitri he couldn't figure out what it was that was so important. It was obvious John wanted nothing to do with him, so Olive must have done something horrible to initiate such conduct from John.

Maybe he had come to apologize to John, but then there shouldn't have been the need to ask to speak alone with John, he could have said he was sorry for all that's he's done in front of Dimitri and John's parents. Unless he had ulterior motives. However, try as he might, Dimitri couldn't come up with a reasonable answer.

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