Chapter seven

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Sorry for not updating this for so long. :(

Anyways, enjoy!


"Hey John, you doing okay, you seem kind of depressed?" Karin asked as she walked beside John, her expression one of worry.

John blinked and looked over to her, only then just realizing that he had been spacing out. In fact, he had been doing that all day. The cause of his strange behavior was none other than Dimitri. John didn't know what to do to get Dimitri to drop his guard and reveal his true feelings.

Dimitri was like a puzzle, hard to unravel, but many ways to get to a certain conclusion or dead end, and so far John was getting nowhere with him. It’s been almost impossible to get near Dimitri, it’s like he could sense whenever John was coming close and would slip away unnoticed. Even in the classes that Dimitri and John had together, Dimitri always managed to avoid John swiftly.

It was all annoying John really, his reluctance to talk to him, so John decided to pay a visit to Dimitri's house and confront him then. However, that plan failed; instead John was shooed away rather rudely.

If John didn’t know any better, Dimitri was deliberately pushing him away on purpose so that he wouldn’t involve himself with Dimitri and whatever it was that he was keeping a secret from him. But what Dimitri was hiding was the question, and was it so big of a deal that it was worth throwing away any form of contact with John.

I guess it was, John thought and looked up at the clear skies from the schools hallway windows. It was lunchtime at the moment, but John wasn’t having anything to eat since he didn’t have an appetite right now.

Karin had taken a bathroom break and had seen John absentmindedly wandering around and went to go talk to him and see how he was doing. Karin had been one of Johns first friends when he started attending this school and John found that they got along great.

"Yeah, I guess I am," John said with a sigh.

"Is it because of Dimitri?" She asked. She knew all about his predicament involving Dimitri and John often found himself going to her for advice.

"Is it that obvious?" John questioned.

"Yup, you only get this way when it concerns that Dimitri guy," she informed John brightly and he groaned in frustration.

"I just don’t know what to do anymore. Should I just stop being nosy and quit bothering him since he hates it so much?" John asked, seeking advice to ease his frantic mind.

"No way," she protested. "He needs someone to look after him, it’s not like anyone else is. Besides, I’m sure he'd feel lonely if you stopped medaling in his affairs."

"I doubt that," John murmured doubtfully to himself.

"Anyways, if you keep pushing, then he'll eventually give up and let you in, he’s just being stubborn right now," she reassured, trying to cheer John up, and it was working, that was probably because John was so simple minded and naive.

"Alright, I'll keep at it," John said, determination in his voice.

"I wish you luck then," she smiled and chuckled as she left John to his fantasies. She had seen close up how the two act towards each other, how Dimitri acted towards John. It made no sense to her what so ever as to why he was acting that way towards John.

John was a nice kid, a little dense, but he didn’t deserve such harsh treatment from Dimitri. In fact, from what she could tell, it all looked like some kind of front that he was putting on to get John to hate him and leave him alone. It was obvious he was hiding something and desperately trying to keep it a secret, the question though, was what?

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