Chapter eleven

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Its been so long everyone since I've had the chance to update, and I know I had said I wouldn't be able to because of basic, but it turns out that I have to wait a while before I'm put into my new battalion. So, I had time to write, yay.

Anyways, enjoy.


Dimitri parked on the side of the road, not too far from the rehab center, maybe just a couple of miles away, because he no longer had the energy to do anything more then that. All he had wanted to do was get away from that place, just far enough so were he could no longer see the building itself.

He felt like throwing up. The day had gone nothing like he had planned, and he wished he hadn't gone to see his mother in the first place. He should have known it was a bad idea, no, he did know it was, but he had ignored his instincts and decided to go anyways.

Maybe it was because he had hoped his mother would have accepted him, forgiven him. But then again, what was there to forgive, shouldn't it be the opposite. Ever since Dimitri could remember his mother has done nothing but cause him trouble, even when he's tried his best to make her happy.

He knew that the reason was probably because she blamed him for his father leaving, but wasn't it time to move on already? All she was doing was prolonging her suffering, and in the process bringing Dimitri down with her.

The whole situation pissed Dimitri off to no ends, and he was tired of the whole thing. He was ready to give up on her, in fact, no one would find it wrong if he did, after all that he's been through.

DImitri sighed and lowered his head, letting it rest on the steering wheel as he fought to compose himself, not wanting John to see him in this weakened state any longer.

John looked down at Dimitri's lowered head in concern, seeming to not know what to do to make the boy feel any better. He was still hung up at his mother rejection. He was sure that Dimitri wasn't okay right now, no one would be really if faced with all that hate and blame from your own mother.

It made John mad that she would even have the nerve to say all those nasty things to him, just thinking back on it made him so enraged that he just wanted to hop on the nearest transportation vehicle and head back over to the rehab center and beat the living shit out of his mother, even if Dimitri may end up hating him for doing such a thing, it was better then letting her get away for cause Dimitri to show such a vulnerable expression.

It was rare for John to feel such violent emotions, so it shocked him when he had thought that, but he guessed that I was reasonable, since this was Dimitri he's talking about. But then he wondered why he cared so much about what happens to Dimitri.

John thought long and hard about the answer to his question, but in the end he could not find a clear solution to his doubts, so he glanced at the clock and saw that it was around 12 and an idea came to him.

"D-Dimitri, um," John hesitated, unsure, but then with more confidence, continues on. "Hey, why don't we go get something to eat, I'm starving."

John held his breath and waited anxiously for Dimitri to respond. Dimitri looked up and gazed at John blankly for a moment, then blinked as he came to his senses and John breathed out in relief when he could see Dimitri returning to his old self, though a hint of sorrow and pain could still be seen in the depths of his eyes. It was going to be a while before he recovered fully.

"Yeah, good idea," Dimitri said and pulled back into traffic and drove towards the nearest fast food restaurant.

He parked and the both of them got out and headed inside the McDonald's. John told Dimitri his order and went to find a table to sit at while he waited for Dimitri to come back with the food.

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