Chapter five

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Another picture of Dimitri to the >>>>>>>>>>>>>


Dimitri felt sick to his stomach as he entered the principal's office and sat down on the comfy chair that was placed in front of the principal's desk. Sweat gathered in his palms and he wiped it away nervously on his jeans, swallowing hard in apprehension as he waited.

The principal, Mrs. Romas, had apparently stepped out for a moment, according to her receptionist Benny, and would be back in a few minutes. That left Dimitri to sit there in tense silence the whole time, feeling as if the room was going to cave in on him at any moment.

Dimitri's head jerked up when he heard the door to the room open and he looked over to see Mrs. Romas entering the room, accompanied by two police officers, dressed in their blue uniforms and carrying themselves with pride, one hand resting on their guns holster.

The sight of the two cops made Dimitri's insides clench. No matter how many times he's dealt with the law enforcement in the past he still wasn't used to it, even with those two cops being familiar faces.

Officer Caral Dickens and Officer Shelby Vienna, they were the best the police station had in their ranks and were always sent to deal with complicated cases and whatnot that most officers took years to climb up to -- it only took them a few months to do what most cant.

As a team they were considered unbeatable, and as individuals almost as good. They were respected by many, as well as envied for their accomplishments. They might even have a lot of enemy's. So one might ask why they would bother showing up and dealing with such a minor civilian case. Well, the reason is simple really. They've known Dimitri since he was a young boy and have been there for him as much as they can.

Dimitri's gaze then turned to the principal. Mrs. Romas was a beautiful lady for her age of thirty. She had long, flowing brown hair that was, at the moment, tied neatly up in a bun. She usually liked to wear it in a ponytail or just natural, a portion of it thrown over her shoulder to hang upfront. She was dressed in a dark purple blouse and black dress pants, and one inch matching heels to complete the look of professionalism.

"Dimitri, sorry to keep you waiting," Mrs. Romas apologized gently and sat behind her desk while the policemen took the other two seats that were pressed up against the wall to Dimitri's right.

"It's alright, ma'am," Dimitri said politely, then turned his attention to the two policemen. "Officer Caral and Shelby, I wish I could say it's nice to see you again, but...," Dimitri trailed off, not needing to further explain, they already knew where he was getting at.

"But whenever I see you two I know it's never for the sake of just stopping by to say hello," Caral finished for him.

"Yeah," Dimitri said softly, giving them a small, apologetic smile to show how sorry he was for that.

It's not like he didn't like the two policemen; in fact, Dimitri found them to be real swell guys that were down to earth and perhaps the only people he would call part of his family, even though they weren't blood related. When his father walked out on him he began looking upon the two policemen as father figures and often tries to visit them. Though he always made sure to his the abuse he was suffering at home. And as he got older, the visits were less about him, and more about his mother.

Mrs. Romas, who had been surprisingly quiet during their exchange, spoke up. "Dimitri, these men are here to ask you a few questions, alright?"

Dimitri sighed. "Yeah, I know the drill." Dimitri's done this enough times to know how it works; no doubt Mrs. Romas knows that.

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