Chapter twenty-one

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OMFG, it's been way too long since I've last written a chapter to this story. I have no excuses for how long it took, but I hope you all will forgive me, luckily, this story will soon end, in about two chapters probably. Lets just hope I complete the book soon. xd


Lol. Anyways, I've finally managed to work up enough motivation to finish this new chapter.


John sighed with obvious agitation as he found himself pacing the length of the hallway in front of Caral's office, a face full of impatience. He glanced repeatedly over to the office's door each time he passed it, his eyes growing ever darker with worry and distress as he did so.

This process continued on and soon John found himself biting his thumbs fingernail as his patience was reaching its limits. With a huff he stopped in his tracks, his body facing the door. With slight hesitation he slowly reached his arm out and grasped ahold of the doorknob tightly, his palms causing the surface to slicken with sweat. After contemplating for a brief moment, John closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. It was a pathetic attempt to ease his current raging emotions, one that didn't work in the slightest.

His mind thought back to the reason why he was here, and multiple lines creased his forehead as if the memory was an unpleasant one.

He had gotten a call from Caral two hours ago, during his lunch break while he was at school, asking him to get to the police station as soon as he could, not revealing any specifications as to why he had to go there. This had left John in a difficult position on whether or not he should skip out on the rest of the school day, but in the end he decided to do so as he hurriedly made his way to the police station.

Caral's vagueness, as well as the tone of his voice over the phone, had left John feeling concerned and nervous. He wondered what could have happened for Caral to be acting that way, and John's mind came up with all sorts of possible reasons as to why he was acting that way.

Perhaps they had found a clue to Dimitri's whereabouts, or a possible whiteness that could lead them to Dimitri?

Or maybe...


They had found Dimitri already, potentially having already rescued him?

This was the least likely outcome for the reason why John was called upon, but he couldn't help but strongly hope that this was the case.

And then, there was the darker side of John's mind that began to conjure all sorts of negative thoughts, with one of them being the most prominent and dreadful.

What if... the reason for this call wasn't to inform him of the possibility of Dimitri being found, safe and whatnot? What if, the real reason for this phone call was to inform John of Dimitri's death instead?

John couldn't help but grow panicked at the mere thought as feelings of despair and fear clouded him. These thoughts made it even harder for him to open the door, as he was scared that this was the real reason why Caral had not given any details over the phone.

As John returned to the present with a shake of his head, he narrowed his eyes with determination and began twisting the door knob, only for the knob to be yanked from his grasp as the door was swung inwardly, startling John. Caral stood on the other side with a wary look on his face and tired eyes.

He eyed John for a second with slight irritation. "How long were you planning on staying out here?" He asked with annoyance lased in his voice.

John winced and bowed his head, staring silently down at the floor. "I was just about to open the door," he mumbled quietly.

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