Chapter seventeen

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Hey everyone, its been a while, but here is the next chapter! :)



After faxing over the picture of Ralf, Dimitri headed back home, not able to fully face John after he had seen such an ugly side to him yet again. Knowing that John knew about his past and all that he had done, caused Dimitri to feel shame and self-loathing towards himself.

It was not the first time these feelings have manifested, and Dimitri was sure it would not be the last time either, this he was certain of. That, as long as his past kept coming back to haunt him, both Dimitri and John will be faced with these reminder time and time again.

It really was a depressing thought that left Dimitri feeling helpless as he got ready for bed.

Even thought it was only nine, the day's activities had exhausted him greatly.

After taking a much need show with warm water to relax his tense muscles and ease his mind, Dimitri got dressed and crawled underneath the covers of his bed. He shifted around until he found comfortable position and closed his eyes. Within minutes Dimitri fell asleep.

However, Dimitri did not stay sleeping for long...

Dimitri woke up with a gasp and immediately knew something was wrong.

Dimitri sat up in bed, heart beating in his chest at a hundred miles per hour and looked around his room, searching for what it was that was putting him so on edge but found nothing in particular.

Dimitri frowned, the unmistakable feeling that something wasn't right still ran through him, he couldn't shake it off no matter how hard he convinced himself otherwise. Glancing at his clock, Dimitri saw that it was only ten thirty-seven.

He had not been asleep for long before being disturbed.

Dimitri began to grow anxious, scared even, and slowly got out of bed, trying his hardest to remain silent as he moved towards his rooms door.

His hand paused on the door handle for a moment before he turned it and eased open the door a crack. Dimitri peaked outside and scanned around.

He saw nothing.

He pushed the door all the way open and stepped out into the hall, tense, cautious.

Slowly he made his way around the house, a chill going through him as he did, as a feeling of being watched, observed, made his skin crawl. He didn't like that feeling.

Soon he reached the living room and his eyes jumped from one shadow onto the next until the whole room was clear. Dimitri breathed out a sigh of relief and rubbed at the back of his neck, trying the ease the uneasiness that remained away that raised his hair and tickled the tips of his fingers.

Stop it, there's was no one there--

A hand clamped over his mouth from behind him and Dimitri let out a muffled scream.

Terror struck Dimitri so hard that he had no time to retaliate as an arm snaked around him and squeezed him tightly to the intruder's chest, locking his arms against his body and making it so that he could have no hopes of escape, but Dimitri would not give up so easily.

As Dimitri sucked in another breath through his nose in order to yell out once again, he found himself getting lightheaded. It was then that he took notice of the cloth the hand had been holding, the one that was pressed against him, wetted with Chloroform.

Dimitri stopped breathing all together, not wanting to consume even more of the chemicals toxic perfume, as he could feel a massive headache coming on from the affects of the Chloroform and struggled to escape out of the mans hold before he was forced to take another breath, but his strength far exceeded Dimitri's. It didn't help too that the Chloroform made him feel weak already, sapping slowly at his strength as the toxins spread further through him.

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