Chapter twelve

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Hey everyone, managed to grab ahold of a computer for a few minutes and was able to upload this chapter. There is more to come soon, let's just call this an early Christmas present. :)

Picture of Oliver to the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Hope you enjoy the chapter.


Dimitri awoke to the suns light streaming in from his window and onto him, basking him in a warm glow that heated him to his core, filling him and banishing all the darkness in him.

He felt as if he had been reborn, as if he had shed his old self like a snake does and was now anew, as if a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders, leaving him feeling as light as a feather.

It was a weird feeling.

Dimitri let out a well-rested yawn and stretched in bed, then sat up gingerly and looked around, scanning his room for any differences. For some reason it felt unfamiliar to him, the bareness, the coloring, as if it weren't his own room, and uneasiness spread through him.

He searched his mind, trying to figure out what was wrong with him, and in that exact moment, everything came rushing back to him with dreadful clarity.

The kiss... 

The confession...

He remembered everything. 

His eyes widened in horror and he jumped out of bed and practically ran out the room and came screeching to a halt in the living room, breathing hard through his panicked state. 

He suddenly realized that he had no idea how he was going to fix this mess he created. He couldn't just go up to John and apologize and hope he'll forgive him. No, there's no way he could do that. He had to think of a plan, of how he was going to make John understand. 

But, oh, John's face when he had confessed.  

Images of how pale John had been when Dimitri had confessed flashed through his mind. How John had shaken his head in denial, confusion, rejection and something else swirling in his eyes. Then of how he spun on his heels and bolted out Dimitri's room as if the hounds of hell were chasing after him. 

Dimitri found it hard to swallow at the memory and fought back the urge to scream in frustration and sorrow, feelings of hurt invading his entire being.

John had rejected him. It had shocked Dimitri and had left him paralyzed, helpless to stop John as he ran away without looking back once.  

Dimitri was convinced more so now than ever that there was no way John would even be willing to listen to him, let alone forgive him for his laps of control, not after the way John had acted.

And that had been what it was, a moment of weakness. He had been so broken up about his fucked up life, needing, wanting so badly for any source of comfort, of happiness, and John had been there. Then one thing led to another. Now, because of his thoughtlessness, he had driven John away, just when he was finally warming up to Dimitri.

Idiot, idiot, idiot, Dimitri accused himself angrily and slumped against his hallway wall.

He hadn't meant to declare his love for John, was never planning on doing that in his lifetime, had every intention on taking his secret to  the grave, but now that wasn't possible.  He had confessed, and now he was paying the price.

John, Dimitri thought agonizingly, and the one word seemed to be his undoing.

He collapsed to the floor, his legs no longer having the strength to hold him and covered his face with his hands. He breathed out shakily and fought back the tears that threatened to break free. 

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