Chapter twenty-two

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You all will hate me for this chapter. ;A;

Sorry in advance, and I will now go into hiding.

P.S. This is most likely the second to last chapter, so the next chapter may be the ending. We will see.


Creaking sounds escaped from Jordan as his teeth ground unceasingly against each other, wearing down the thin layer of enamel that coated them. Furrowing his brows, the frustration and impatience he felt within this exact moment could be sensed from the rumbling growl that vibrated within his chest.

Warm air then hissed out from between his slightly parted lips as he exhaled, followed by a quick succession of spittle as he lowly murmured curses underneath his breath. His finger tapped gingerly against the leather steering wheel, the rhythm of which fast paced and off beat, fueled by his anxiousness. His eyes scanned his surroundings almost every few seconds, brows furrowed and muscles taunt, further indicating his restlessness.

10 minutes have passed since Jordan called Officer Caral, and yet, there were still no indications of the police arriving. Jordan calculated within his head how long it would take for the police to travel from the station to this location and estimated that it would take close to 5 to 10 more minutes before they got here, and that was if there were no traffic. However, nearby police could have been contacted as well, but there was no telling how long it would take before they too arrived.

Can I even wait that much longer? Jordan questioned, his gaze stilling on the house where Dimitri could possibly be held hostage in. His lips pressed tightly together as he debated his next move.

He had two choices here...

On one hand, he either stayed held up within his vehicle until the police arrived, or, on the other hand, he gets out and investigates the house and possibly rescues Dimitri on his own.

The latter obviously being the worst option to choose. Not only did he not know what dangers would lie in wait for him if he were to go near that house on his own, but he could also endanger the chances of the police catching Dimitri's kidnapper. 

This was the real risk.

What if, because of Jordan's carless snooping, he alerts Gabriele, and he runs off with Dimitri before the police arrive. Everything would all then be for naught if the man goes into hiding somewhere else, or possibly even in the next state. And it would all be Jordan's fault if such a thing were to happen.

Could Jordan really afford for this to happen?

He really couldn't...

As much as he hated to admit, he had no choice but to hold himself up in his vehicle, no matter how much he wished to do otherwise. And although his skin began to itch with the temptation to barge right into the house, he ignored this unreasonable side of himself and continued to wait patiently for the police to arrive.

The minutes ticked by ever so slowly, almost as if time were purposely dragging by to spite him. Soon Jordan's right leg was furiously bouncing up and down by the time five minutes passed by. He was ready to throw away all reason by now, only hanging on by a thin thread of logic.

However, the last bit of resolve he held crumbled to dust within seconds when the door to the house flew open and a familiar figure darted out.

Jordan's eyes opened wide with uncertainty and disbelief as he focused in on the person whose features were unclear from the long distance. "Dimitri...?" Jordan questioned, stunned by this sudden turn of events, almost not believing his eyes as the figure began sprinting away from his location. He was running at full pace, stumbling with an almost animalistic desperation to escape, his expression panicked and fearful.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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