Chapter six

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I feel like I did horrible on this chapter, and it's super short. :(


Dimitri woke up and instantly shook off any feelings of tiredness when he realized that he had passed out after a great night of sex with Ralf, and he had to admit that the guy was unbelievably good at it, the best customer that he's had in a while that cared about pleasing him then themselves.

But Dimitri had been careless to fall asleep like that, it was required of him to 'get in and out when it was done' as his boss would say. And he hadn't done that, now what was he going to do if his boss finds out about this?

Quietly and without disturbing Ralf's sleep, Dimitri slipped out of bed and began getting dressed, deciding that he would take a shower once he got home. Dimitri winced when he felt a twig of pain in his lower back as he bent down to pull up his boxers.

The rough sex had done a number on him as well; he was feeling sore all over and was exhausted. Right now Dimitri wanted to go lie back down on that surprisingly comfy bed and pass out again. But he knew he couldn't. He had to get out of here before Ralf woke up and saw him. There was no telling what would happen then.

"Leaving so soon?" Ralf asked in amusement, a hint of disappointment coloring his tone as well.

Startled, Dimitri stilled what he was going, his arm half in the sleeve of his shirt. Slowly he turned to face Ralf, rightening his shirt along the way. Ralf was propped up on his elbow, head resting on his palm. The blanket that had previously covered him had fallen around his bare waist, revealing his six pack and Dimitri had to tear his eyes away from the sight before he got himself into trouble.

Why did he have to be so freakin hot? Dimitri questioned in both annoyance and admiration.

"Yes, I have things to do today," Dimitri replied vaguely.

Ralf cocked a brow. "Things?"

"Yeah. Now if you'll excuse me...," Dimitri trailed off as he finished getting dressed. Ralf watching him quietly from the bed and only when Dimitri was going to leave did he react and jumped out of the bed and moved in front of Dimitri, blocking his way.

"Are you sure you want to leave so soon?" He asked. "Why don't you stay for a bit longer," he suggested and Dimitri felt a spark of annoyance for his persistence.

See, this is what Dimitri meant when he said that he wanted to leave before Ralf woke up, now the guy thought he could try and give him orders as if he had the right to.

"Sorry, but your time with me ended last night, that was all your money paid for," Dimitri said and turned to leave again but Ralf's next words stopped him.

"Then how about I pay for more time now," Ralf smirked and Dimitri narrowed his eyes at the guy, feeling anger bubbling up through him.

Okay, this guy is seriously pissing me off, Dimitri thought angrily as he faced Ralf again.

Dimitri had thought the guy was half-way decent from the times he's spent getting to know him, but it seems like Dimitri was wrong about that, the guy was the controlling type, that much was clear from the way he was acting now, and Dimitri hated that kind of type. They always thought that once you let them in once, then they could do whatever they wanted and get away with it.

Well sorry bud, but I'm not going to let you do that.

"I'm off today, so no. Besides, you'd have to wait in line behind the other customers that want to fuck me. So, see ya," Dimitri smirked and went to leave for real this time but a sudden, painful grip on his arm prevented him.

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