Chapter two

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Okay, so it took a lot longer to write this chapter then I would have thought, but I finally finished it. And I feel like I did good writing it, but only you, the readers, can be the judge of that.

Picture of John to the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The next chapter will take some time to write thought. But for now...

Enjoy! :)


Dimitri slammed the front door of his house open angrily, throwing his keys into the small basket that was placed on the stand by the door. He kicked off his dress shoes and stalked over towards the kitchen to make something to eat and satisfy his raging hunger, almost tripping on a pile of clothes he hadn't noticed on the floor along the way.

He cursed out loud. "Mother, what did I tell you about leaving your clothes piled over here?" Dimitri shouted and veered off in her direction across the room. She was curled up into a tight ball in the corner of the couch, watching Dimitri with half lidded eyes. "Your clothes should at least be thrown in the laundry room."

She didn't respond back, which he expected, and instead turned and began playing with one of the small decorations that sat on top of the table next to her with intense fascination.

Dimitri shook his head in disgust. She was high on something again Dimitri concluded. He gave up on her and headed to his room, forgetting about his hunger, and collapsed on the bed with a groan.

Work had been exhausting and one of Dimitri’s clients had gotten to clingy and was draped all over him the whole night, disrupting business, even after he told her time was up. He had to call security to have her escorted out, which caused a disturbance and Dimitri got yelled at for it by his boss, Colt Shan.

On top of that, Colt had deducted his pay for the customers that got scared away. The stupid ass was always doing that sort of thing just to piss him off. Every time a situation like that happened, he was always getting on Dimitri’s case about it, as if he had nothing better to do then to bother him.

It wasn't my fault the bitch wouldn't leave; Dimitri thought with exasperation and rolled over onto his back, staring up at his rooms cracked ceiling.

A second later Dimitri’s stomach rumbled, protesting about its hunger quite verbally. With a groan Dimitri sat up and scratched the back of his neck, sighing tiredly.

He didn't want to move from his position on the comfortable bed, but he knew that he would have to. He needed to take a shower and make something to eat or he was going to go hungry. He hadn’t eaten since yesterday morning, seeing as it was two o'clock at night right now, and he was paying for it dearly.

Dimitri had been having hunger pains and feeling lightheaded the whole time he worked. And he couldn’t do anything about it since Colt forbids the hosts from taking a break to eat when there we were customers to serve. "Satisfy the customer first, that’s what brings in the money," he would always say.

And that pissed Dimitri off to the point where he wanted to bash in the side of Colts pretty little face, screaming, "I’m the one who brings in the most money, the most you can do is let me take a brake so I can eat!"

With another tired sigh Dimitri slid off the bed and walked over to his dresser. Pulling open one of the drawers he took out a pair of sleep cloths: a white t-shirt and grey, baggy sweat pants; and went to take a shower. Ten minutes later Dimitri walked out of the steaming bathroom fully clothes and headed to the kitchen, briefly glancing over to his mom who hadn’t moved from her spot at all.

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