Inappropriate Outfits/The Cake Thief

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**** Amb outfit in the m/m****


August and I had planned to sleep in this Saturday. He didn’t have to work and I was just wiped period from the events of the week. Even after all this time, Aug sleeps like at any moment I am going to leave him.

His face lays completely on top of mine. His legs interlock me, where I can barely move. And he consistently pushes me closer to him, if he feels me just do a minimal inch forward.

I take it this position is extremely comfortable for him, but for me, sometimes I just want to breathe. What does help though is his scent his intoxicating. He smells so damn good, and his skin is baby bottom soft. God truly blessed him because most women don’t have his smooth, flawless skin.

“Mommmmmy!” A3 ran into our room and over to my side of the bed that was facing the door.

I looked over at the clock,  it was seven in the morning. Any chance of sleeping in would be dead now that Auggie was awake. At least for me. Aug just rolls over and stays sleep. The life of a mother, I tell you.

“Mommmmmy.” A3 tapped my arm crying.

I sighed and opened my eyes.

“Yes love. What’s wrong?”

 “Sata…” He tried to climb up on my bed. I reached to help him.

 “I big boy. I can do it.” He climbed up.

“Now what’s wrong?” I asked him as he laid next to me. August was still intertwined on me asleep.

 “Sata kicked me out and I…I can’t see Thomas.” Thomas the engine was his absolute favorite show.

“Why she kick you out Auggie?” I rubbed his face softly.

“She said Thomas stupid and I’m a baby cause I…cause I watch it. I no baby. I big boy. Thomas for big boys right mommy?”  

“Yeah it is. Tell her I said let you see Thomas.”

“Kay.” He jumped down and ran back out the room.

“Babe y’all stop making noise I’m trying to sleep.” Big Aug said shifting a little bit, but still remaining intertwined with me.

I closed my eyes trying to go back to sleep, but here came Lil Auggie once again.


August rolled over on his back and sighed.

“They gon have to stop coming in here. I get one day of rest damn.” He turned over.

“What’s wrong Auggie?”

“Her threw the remote at me and it hit my tummy.” He broke down.

I picked him up and put him on the bed.

“Sata!” Aug yelled.

“What?” She called.

“Come here!” He yelled back.

Sata’s feet could be heard running down the hall into our room.

“What? I didn’t do anything.”

“Bring yo little ass over here.”

She went over to August side of the bed.

“Don’t be throwing no remotes in my house. You hear me?”

“He  lying. I ain’t throw no remote.”

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