Setting An Example

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"Auggie and Sata."

August POV-

"Auggie stop." I held him on my chest patting his back as we laid on the bed he was sleeping on at Cha's house.

Cha told me that I needed to come check on him because he wouldn't stop crying, wouldn't eat or go to sleep because he was missing his mother.

He still kept crying.

"Auggie why are you getting yourself worked up man?" I looked at him.

"I (hiccup) miss (hiccup) mommy. And auntie Cha she...she...she be mean. She no let me call her (hiccup)." He wiped his little nose.

This was putting me in a bind. I didn't know if I wanted to tell him his mother was sick or make up a lie.

I decided to treat him like a little adult, not go into full details but not lie totally. So he could understand. If I told him Amb was away he might think "my mommy does care for me to call."

"Auggie mommy sick man. She can't call."

He lifted his head up at me surprised.

"Mommy sick?"

"Yeah. Sata!!!!" I screamed.

She needed to hear this too. Sata ran in with her Barbie.

"Why you so loud?" She jumped on the bed next to us.

"Because I want you to hear me."

"Mommy sick." Auggie told her.

Sata made a gasp. "Mommy sick?"

"Yeah. That's why she hasn't called or seen you guys." I explained.

"What's wrong with her?" Sata asked.

"Uh...she just not feeling well."

"Is she at the hospital? I heard Auntie Cha talking to Uncle Danny saying she was." Sata admitted.

"Yeah. That's where I been." This was killing me telling my kids this. I would hope I would never have to explain to them her death. That scare we had the other day almost ended it all for me. She had a seizure. But they got her back stabilized but she was still in a coma.

Auggie started back crying laying on my chest.

"Shut up stupid! Always crying. Like a little girl."

"Me no girl." Auggie yelled.

"Hey! I want y'all to stop this shit. Especially you Assata. This is your brother."

"So he annoying. Uhhh..."

"What if you never see Auggie again. And your last words to your brother is he annoying?"

"What you mean never see?"

"What if he dies and the last interaction you had with him was being mean? Would you feel good?"

She shook her head no as her eyes started to water. She laid on my chest too, ashamed.

"Y'all are brother and sister. Your duty is to love your brother. You got to treat him better because you never know when it can be his last day here. Then you won't get a chance to say "I'm sorry."

She hugged Auggie silently crying.

"Love you Sata." Auggie said.

"Love you too." She wiped her eyes.

"Look at this." I pulled out my phone and showed them.

"Who is dat?" Auggie asked.

"This is Miri."

Auggie sat up and smiled. "Yay!!! Was he born on my birthday?"

"Yes he was man!" I chuckled.

He clapped loudly and did a little dance.

"What's the thingys?" Sata asked talking about the tubes.

"To help him breathe."

"Why?" Auggie asked.

"He was born a little early so it's hard for him to breathe on his own. But in a couple of months he'll be fine and he cAn come home."

"He gon stay in my room." Auggie said.

"Nah he got to sleep with me and mommy. Maybe when he get bigger."

"Can I feed him?" Auggie said.

"Yeah when he get home."

"Daddy can we have another girl. I want a sister." Sata said.

I chuckled. "That's gon be up to mommy. But I showed y'all Miri because y'all are his big brother and big sister. Y'all got to set an example."

"What day mean?" Auggie asked me.

"He's going to be looking up to y'all. And y'all have to teach him what's right. Teach him what love is. Not all this fighting. Okay?"

"Yes." They said together.

"So I got a little more time before I got to get back to mommy, what y'all want to do?"

"Can we go see her?" Auggie asked.

"She's sleeping now. When she wakes up. Then you can see Miri too."

"Yay!!!" Auggie clapped.

"I hope Miri not annoying." Sata threw shade.



"Now what y'all want to do?"

"Can we go get ice cream?" Sata suggested.

"Yeah. Let's go."

They ran out the room to get their shoes. I laid back on the bed and let out a huge sigh. Cha came in the room and sat on the end of the bed. She rubbed my leg, comforting me.

"You need some rest Aug. Look at the bags under your eyes. Stay here with the kids today."

"I can't. Want to make sure Amb alright. But this is weighing on me so bad. I don't even have tears left. I just want her to wake up. Just so I can exhale. Cause I feel my body getting weak from this."

"At least when you guys come back, eat dinner with us."

"Yeah I'll do that."

"You'll be okay and so will Amb. I can feel it. She's going to wake up and you're going to be knocked out for a whole two weeks." She laughed, kissed my forehead then walked out.

I hope so. I hope so. Until then, I would get no sleep. 😩

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