Author's Note- Direction Of Story

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Hey Guys,

I think it's important I explain the direction of the story so you can understand what I am trying to do.

I remember someone said they stopped reading my story at the beginning of book 2 because I promised a happy ending. They said that made it predictable. So I am not going to tell you what type of ending this book will have.

But I will say, the highest point in Book 3 has been when Amb and Aug went through the cheating. That part got the highest reads and in fact the most comments.

Why? because you guys are invested in their story and what they go through. And although you love them, you secretly want them put to the test.

So what does that mean? I must raise the dramatic stakes to put their relationship even more at risk. Cheating again would be repetitive. So it has to be a step up from that to make the story more interesting.

I am establishing Tiggy as a character so that when the climax comes it makes sense. As a writer, I can't just spring the climax out of nowhere.

I'm trying to give you back story on Tiggy so when the Big Bang happens (and hunty it's gonna be a bang--- prayer warriors get ready) you see how it got there.

There is a method to the madness guys. I'm not changing the story or just throwing in random shit.

There will be more family moments. You will see what happens to O, etc.

but I have to establish Tiggy's backstory and how Amb is connected so the story makes sense at the end. Otherwise, y'all would be looking at me crazy, like that doesn't make sense. How did that happen.

I have an ending already. I know what's going to happen and I'm trying to get y'all from point A to B. So we can end this series with a bang.

It's coming to an end soon. Trust me as the writer to get you there.

Love y'all!


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