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"Uh... that man over there on the bench is my husband. I messed up badly and a friend of mine urged me to write a song about how my life feels without him in it. And this is what I came up with. Aug I hope you listen" I cleared my throat again.

"I'm nervous forgive me." I awkwardly laughed. "I'm not really a singer."

Sam begin to play the intro to the song. He had actually came up with a melody for it, when he heard the words. That's why I tell you he's a genius, like who just does that in the first ten minutes of you meeting them?

Aug put his phone away and played with his hands, looking down. He always did that when he was nervous or was emotional. I knew though, he was listening.

Sam gave me the nod to begin.

When the world is seeing yellow

I only see grey

When everybody sees the rainbow

I'm stuck in the rain

You take a little piece of me

Every time you leave

I don't think that I'll ever find that silver lining

Or a reason to smile

You know I used to paint such vibrant dreams

Now I'm colorblind colorblind

When did my heart

Get so full of the never mind never mind

Did you know

That you stole the only thing I needed

Only black and white in my eyes

I'm colorblind

I concluded my song and by now, me and Sam had an entire crowd. People came up to me asking if I was a real singer and telling me how beautiful my voice was. They suggested me and Sam be a group.

I spoke into the mic.

"August can you come up here."

He slowly made his way through the crowd up to me.

"I just want to say, that you are an amazing husband and I apologize from the bottom of my heart for hurting you like that. And I just want to ask you something..." I gave the mic to Sam and got on one knee.

I pulled out a Rolex watch engraved with the slogan king of my heart.

"Will you forgive me baby and allow us to start over at a better place?"

"Come on forgive the girl!" Somebody yelled.

They started chanting "Forgive her. Forgive her."

Life After Marriage Book 3Where stories live. Discover now