Chapter 38

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Proofread by LadyAphrael

Keith's POV

Empty… that was all I can feel ever since my fight with Kevin. Whatever I did was so wrong on many levels and it was eating me from inside day by day. I couldn't think or do anything which will help me to make up with Kevin and give me a second chance.

Just like any other day I was walking aimlessly, even though it was raining heavily. I've been doing this for days, walking and walking, rain or shine. I don't know why but I loved walking because it hurt my feet badly causing my emotional pain to go away a bit.

It was raining heavily today making it difficult to see ahead. But I didn't care and kept walking, I won't mind even if some vehicle ends up hitting me , who knows I might die and this pain will go forever and ever.

I was walking and crying thinking about my sweet moments with my family, friends and the person I love the most, Kevin. I know he loved me with all my heart and will do anything just to be with me, but I somehow end up breaking his trust along with his heart.

I wasn't paying attention and was lost in my thought when suddenly something hit me very hard making me fall on the ground. After that I couldn't hear or see anything properly except for the faint scream of someone which sounded like Kevin's voice. How weird is that , there is no way Kevin will be here, right?

After that …. everything turned black.

I was sleeping, I was in a deep sleep for days , weeks , months or maybe years. All I could hear was the very faint voice of beeping something and someone sobbing. I don't know why but I feel like that person has been sobbing for years and begging me to come back to whoever that person was.

How I wished that person to be Kevin.

That beeping sound was getting clearer day by day. Someone's voice was always there asking me to come back and that person was sorry for something. But I didn't want to go back to that person, I just want to be like this and maybe… just maybe someday I won't hear that annoying beeping sound or that soothing voice of the person anymore.

I was sleeping peacefully in my deep and long sleep when one day the voice of that person got clear a bit.

“I am so sorry… please Keith… baby please… come back to me… to us.” How can I not recognize that voice, it was none other than Kev, my Kevin… my life, my love. But why is he crying and asking me to come back? It's not like I am dying or something and he was the one who didn't want me back in his life then why is he saying this now?

I decided to ignore his pleas thinking that I must be dreaming or something. There was no way that Kevin would beg me to come back to him like this,with crying and all. I don't deserve someone like Kevin in my life, he can get someone else who is better than me.

The crying was not going away and now I could hear more voices aside from Kevin, I think it was my parents and Sky. But seriously, why was everyone sounding so desperate for my come back? Where was I actually? I really wanted to open my eyes and look around. I wanted to tell everyone that I am not going anywhere and I'll be there with them till the end of my life.

I couldn't bear to hear these voices which were so painful and were stabbing my heart with thousands of knives. I tried opening my eyes once but I failed, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't open my eyes.

I kept on trying and trying and trying reaching towards the voice which was calling me and finally one day my efforts were paid off because the next thing I saw was Kevin's big beautiful eyes looking at me with eyes wide open. His eyes were wet and tears were still falling from his eyes.

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