Chapter 11

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Forgive my grammar mistakes

Ray's POV

"Ray....Ray....RAY!!!!" I can hear someone calling my name. But I was way too lost with what just happened.

"Huh...wha...where...ummm...what are you doing in my dream Kevin??" I said breaking from my thoughts.

"Dream...what dream??" He gave me a questionable look.

"This all...I mean there is no way in hell that Sky will take care of me all night, sleep with me in bed while cuddling and.....and...and...before he left...he...."

"He kissed you on the forehead like how a good husband kissed his wife before leaving for work?" Kevin said teasingly.


Kevin flick hard on my forehead.

"Ouch!!! What was that for?" I said rubbing on the stop where he flicked me.

"To make you realise that it wasn't a dream but reality. The only question is why he did that? I am pretty sure he wasn't the Sky that I met a few months ago, are you sure he doesn't have twins or something?" Kevin asked with a raised brow.

"Ummm...I don't think so. I don't know Kevin, sometimes Sky surprises the hell out of me. He is like one person with a dual personality, sometimes he is so sweet and kind, and sometimes actually most of the time he is an ass who loves to make my life a living hell." I said slumping down the sofa in the living room.

Kevin sat beside me."I don't know Ray, I guess he did that without even realizing it. I mean he is human after all and has heart and it's human nature to show affection to the person who has fallen sick due to his own mistake."

"Well, whatever, I am too tired to think about anything. So tell me, how is work and how is mom and dad?" I asked Kevin. I just want to talk about anything beside that Sky.

"Everything is good Ray. Mom and dad are fine, they are out of the country for some work and will be back next week." he said.

"Hmmm and how is everything know Keith?"

"Yeah good, he seems more happy now. He is trying to move on from his ex crush and thankfully succeeding it. He is a really nice guy, I don't know how come Ryder never noticed him." he said.

" you guys are still friends??" I am pretty sure Kevin still hasn't figured out that he likes Keith more than a friend. Whenever I call him or meet him then all he does is talk about Keith. I guess it's time that I should make him realise his own feelings towards Keith.

"Yeah, very good friends actually. It's kind of weird you know, I have never been able to get this close someone except for you.There is just something about him which...."

"You like him more than a friend Kevin." I cut him in between his lines making him gape in shock.

"Wait...what do you mean like him? I like him as in a romantic way, is that what you are saying!!?" he said while knitting his brows in confusion.

I nodded slowly.

"No way!!!!!" he exclaimed.

"Yes way Kevin. I can't believe you still haven't realized it." I teased him.

"Holy am doomed, aren't I?" he said when he realise what I said is indeed true.

"Yes you are, my baby brother." I said, pinching his cheek which was a little red due to blushing.

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