Chapter 27

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Forgive my grammar mistakes and TYPOS.

1 month later

Sky's POV

Ray has entered seven and a half months in his pregnancy causing problems for us. He can no longer hide his belly no matter how loose clothes he wears.

I have limited his physical moments like walking and standing more than necessary. His pregnancy is complicated enough , I don't want to make things more complicated by putting stress on his body.

I had a press conference last month declaring my relationship status with Ray. Media has been  bugging me ever since I proposed to Ray during my concert. I was just waiting for Ray to accept being my boyfriend and when he did I held a press conference officially declaring my relationship with him.

The media wanted to question Ray too but I declined it saying that he is going through some medical condition and he cannot go through things like answering questions which might stress him out. I told them we will have a press conference together once he is healthy enough.

As much as I got appreciated for coming out like this and declaring my sexuality, many accused me too by saying bad things about my relationship with Ray. Many of my contracts even got cancelled due to this, they were ready to pay the damage for cancelling the contract than working with a fag like me, their words not mine.

I haven't told Ray anything about this. I know he will blame himself and end up taking stress. For me nothing is more important than Ray in my life. I have been in this industry for almost the past ten years and I have earned enough money that I can feed my family and live luxurious life without working for the rest of my life.

I even have to face the wrath of my dad when he called me home one day. I wasn't able to meet my parents properly after my concert. They didn't have any problem with me being in a relationship with a man but my dad couldn't believe that I didn't even leave a man to 'bang' , those were his words.

I didn't tell them about Ray's pregnancy though. Ray said that he wanted to tell them personally when he will feel like telling, after all they are his family too now.

As for Alex, he is showing improvement. Thanks to Ryder's care, Alex was able to see now but not clearly, things were still blurry to him so the doctor advised him wear glasses until his vision is back to normal.

Ryder still hasn't told anyone about the culprit of Alex's condition. He even asked me not to tell anyone. I have no idea what he did to Alex's parents but nobody has seen them ever since that incidence.

And Kevin and Keith, well we don't know much about their progress in relationship but when I see them together, all I see is love in their eyes they have for each other. Kevin is busy with his research work that's why he hardly gets time to spend with Keith and Keith is still writing his songs and sending it to industry and just waiting for someone to accept his song. He is not using my name to build his career, he wants to earn everything on his own.

We were currently going back home from a regular checkup of Ray. The good news is , I was finally able to point out the baby on the monitor well because the baby has grown a lot and any idiot like me can see the movements of the baby on monitor during ultrasound.

I literally cried the first time when I was finally able to see the baby's movements. Those were released of happiness and as well as excitement for seeing the baby for the first time.

I look at Ray when I stop my car at the red signal. He was sleeping peacefully, he has been getting more tired than he was during his early months of pregnancy. Mrs. Allen said it's normal and since Ray is a man so things for him will be a bit difficult. So she advised him not to do physical work more than necessary.

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