Chapter 1

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A/N: I will be adding pics in between, so that you guys won't get confused who is who? 


Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos. 

Sky's POV 

Sky's POV 

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Today again I was getting a lecturing session from my parents. They think I am not responsible enough and it's high time I should get married. I should stop fucking almost every girl I see and blah blah blah.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and said,"I know it dad, stop lecturing me. I am not a kid."

My dad huffed in anger, he looked at my mother and said while pointing his finger at me,"Are you seeing this honey? Just look what he has become? I can hardly recognize me as my son that I used to know, what happened?"

I snorted.

If only you really knew what happened.

"He is still our son honey, we need to be with him no matter what." my mom said looking at my dad.

He tsk and said now looking at me,"You won't be getting any female maid from now on and NO you won't be hiring a new person. You always end up hiring a girl who does everything else besides cleaning your house and cooking for you. I don't want to end up having grandkids from girls who have such low dignity."

"I always use protection dad." I said in a boring tone.

"Oh Wow! Congratulations for always using protection while banging your so called maids. I couldn't be happier!!!!" He said in sarcasm.


"I have already publish add on social media and I will be assigning a housemaid, who will be male and gay. So that you will be hundred miles away from him considering that fact how homophobic kind of a person you are." my dad said putting effort on the words male and gay.

I don't have any problem with a guy as my housemaid. If I cannot fuck then at least I can chill out with him like playing games or whatever. But when it comes to gay people, then it just creeps me out. I mean how the hell a boy can possibly like another boy , more over kiss or have sex with him.

So ew and gross.

I shudder with the mere thought of it.

I cannot risk myself being surrounded with a gay. What if he tries to seduce me and end up sexually harassing me? Thank God male cannot have babies otherwise it could become worse.What if he will spread his disease to me and end up turning me gay too!!!???

Housemaid of Mr.DarvidWhere stories live. Discover now